In order to gather information for Google Street View, the good people at Google basically had to put people on the ground in cars outfitted with cameras and have them drive around slowly to capture the scene.
For the most part, the Google Street View imagery is relatively benign, but every once in awhile the cameras on the Google cars capture something truly special. These are 32 of those special moments, documented on Google for all of eternity.We only wish we knew where #18 was snapped so we could see it for ourselves.
#1. This guy, who appears to be selling lemonade.
#2. This photo, taken at just the right time.
#3. These two weirdos were just trying to nap.
#4. Chainsawing in the buff.
#5. Horse Boy, just hanging out and keeping it casual.

#6. A woman amusing herself in NYC.

#7. This guy, who probably didn’t dream that a camera would catch this.

#8. This contraption, captured on film in Bangladesh.

#9. A poor little dog squished between a couple on a motorcycle.

#10. Medical marijuana dispensaries made it to Google street view.

#11. These two BFFs will forever have evidence of their union.

#12. An interesting take on cycling with the fam.

#13. Australian teens caught red-handed while tagging a wall.

#14. Footage of a girl being filmed in South Korea.

#16. Santa hanging out in an industrial area, looking like he belongs here.

#17. The temple at Chichen Itza captured beautifully by Google Street View.

#18. Here, the Google car was being attacked by an angry person.

#19. This police situation got caught on camera.

#20. Street View captured some enthusiastic looters.

#21. This…situation.
#23. A perfectly timed skateboard fail.

#24. This guy, who is having an interesting day.

#25. An odd flat tire situation.

#26. A well-endowed flasher in Australia.

#27. Someone getting pulled over.

#28. You know, just some ninjas, hanging out.

#29. A Google camera in Chile captured quite the party.

#30. A broken water hydrant gets caught on camera.

#31. A couple of street signs that were made for each other.

#32. This guy, who got really excited about lawnmowing.

Many people have found incredibly weird things and some are downright disturbing or hilarious. You may have seen some of these before but they’re worth a second look because of their weirdness factor alone.
#33. I certainly hope that’s just a fake alien.
#34. Imagine going for a walk and encountering bird people.
#35. A creepy lake full of red water.
#36. Is that a human body lying on the ground?
#37. These people look like they’re up to no good.
#38. Yes, those are mannequins in a dumpster and it’s still creepy.
#39. If I saw this in real life, I would run away pretty fast.
#40. I don’t think I want to come downtown and play…creepy.
#41. A giant pentagram in a field. That’s not creepy at all…not!
#42. I certainly hope that image is just a glitch in Google Maps.
#43. Why is there a huge face sculpture on a hill?
#44. Is that a gun he’s holding? Just keep driving…
#45. I hope that animal is OK!
#46. Just another sword fight in the city.
#47. What is that!?
#48. Is there a superhero convention I don’t know about.
#49. A bunch of penguins chilling out.
#50. This driver is interested in what these ladies are selling.
#51. This guy likes to hide in the woods.
#52. OMG! I hope everyone is OK…
#53. Why is there a baby crawling on the sidewalk and where are his/her parents?
#54. He’s still pointing a gun so I would turn the Google car around…again.
#55. Is it just me or are they dragging something suspicious?
#56. “Take me to your leader!”
#57. Just another day with the horse-man.