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11 Tricks For Fast Cleaning Picked Up From Maids Of 5-Star Hotels

Would you like cleaning to take less of your time and effort? Then let’s learn about its intricacies from the very best – pro maids. Here are some tricks they use when working at five-star hotels.




1. All that is mine, I carry with me


Maids have a small plastic box where they carry everything that may come handy – detergents, dusters, brushes and so on. Get yourself a box like this, especially if you live in a big house with many rooms. This way you will save a lot of time.


2. Microfiber


The main thing in the fight against dust is the proper piece of cloth. And microfiber is by far the best material for it. Forget about old grandmother’s towels! They leave more dirt than remove. But what if you don’t have a store-bought microfiber at your disposal? You can use any of your old clothes instead, but make sure it is of natural cotton fiber.



3. Don’t rub, but wait for 15 minutes


This is the golden rule when it comes to cleaning surfaces, such as tiles, ceramics and even plastic. Don’t rush into scrubbing the toilet or bathroom tiles immediately after applying a cleaner. Wait for 10-15 minutes, and get other things done in the meantime. You will see that this way cleaning will take much less effort.


4. Wash the floor right


It turns out it takes some skill and knowledge to wash the floor, too. First, vacuum or at least sweep the floor with a broom. Only then wash it in the direction from the far corner to the door.


5. Remove everything that may get in your way


This is how professional maids do it: first, they remove everything that needs to be removed. They gather the laundry and take it out, move souvenirs and jewelry in one place, pack the disposable cosmetics. And only then they thoroughly wipe the entire surface of the shelves, tables or cabinets.



6. Shake the dust out of curtains


Curtains always collect a lot of dust. Therefore, if you follow the example of professional cleaners and shake them once in a while, your house will be way less dusty. How to do it quickly and efficiently? Take a small towel (a little damp), roll it and beat the curtains with it. Immediately vacuum all the resultant dust from the floor.



7. Vacuum properly


How do maids vacuum? Do you think the same way they wash the floor – from corners to the door? Nope! First, they vacuum all surfaces that are walked over most, then hard to reach places, and only then – from the far corner to the door. This way the dirtiest places get vacuumed twice.


8. Tricks instead of household chemicals


The main secret of experienced maids is white vinegar. If used properly, it is able to clean almost anything. In order to check it for yourself, dilute it in water in a ratio of 1 to 3.



9. Car window cleaners


The maids know that the car window cleaning agents will do a better job in washing a shower box, than any special household window cleaning spray. And for the box to sparkle with cleanliness, wipe it every time after taking a shower.



10. Baby soap



You don’t need to rub the taps with acids for them to shine. Regular baby soap will do just as fine.


11. A toothbrush for hard-to-reach places


Well, this one is fairly well known. But if you haven’t heard of it, we will gladly share this lifehack with you. The tiles (especially the spaces in between), grills, bathroom air extractors… Take an old toothbrush and any cleaning agent to get them real tidy.


These 11 tricks will help you clean up your place. If you found them useful, make sure to share  with your friends!