Categories: DIY

Transform An Old Knife Block Into A Gorgeous Table Top Organizer

Serena Appiah, a mother and creator of the online blog Thrift Diving, was having a problem keeping her kids’ room organized. It’s a problem that many parents face. Their kids have a bunch of toys, clothes, school supplies, and books in their room, and at times, things can get really out of hand.


Known for thinking outside the box and getting hands-on and creative, Serena tried thinking of a solution. While shopping at a thrift shop – one of her favorite hobbies – she had an epiphany. She knew exactly how she could solve the problem!


Serena was walking down an aisle at the thrift shop when she stumbled upon a section full of old knife blocks. She says, “I was walking past this section of knife blocks and inspiration hit. I just knew I was supposed to buy one. And boy am I glad I did!”

Serena envisioned transforming an old knife block into a table top organizer that could hold and store her kids’ school supplies.

First, she used a power drill to turn the slits that were meant for knives into a bigger size.


She thought it would be neat if these slits could hold crayons.

Then, she added a few brackets for paintbrushes and scissors. Finally, she painted it a beautiful blue color and added washi tape for decoration.


Isn’t this an awesome table top organizer? It looks amazing in any kid’s room!




Here’s an entire video walkthrough of the project.