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Home Remedies For Morning Sickness

Pregnancy is one of the happiest times in a woman’s life. The dreams of a family are starting to come true and the exciting journey has just begun. Unfortunately for many women the initial elation and feelings of joy are soon replaced with nausea, food aversion and extreme exhaustion as the dreaded morning sickness sets in.


While morning sickness (sometimes all day sickness) is an inescapable reality for many pregnant women there are a few natural treatment options to help you cope. What works for one woman may not work for another so keep trying different options to find your magic fix.


Here are 7 Home Remedies to Help Combat Morning Sickness During Pregnancy:

1) Ginger

Ginger is an age-old remedy when it comes to helping with nausea and an unsettled tummy. The medicinal properties aren’t just old wives tales however as research has proven that the root contains phytochemicals called gingerols, which can give relief from nausea and vomiting due to their antiemetic properties.


For a healthy option try fresh grated ginger with boiling water, add some honey to make a refreshing tea. If tea doesn’t appeal to you and you need a quick fix, ginger biscuits, ginger candy, ginger ale or root beer (soda) will often do the trick.

2) Mint


Mint is a herb which has also been used medicinally for centuries. Some women find relief with simply sniffing anything mint scented like the leaves of the mint plant or lighting a candle with peppermint essential oils.

Sipping on a homemade mint tea can also help to keep nausea away or sucking on mint flavored sweets.


3) Savory Options

As with any form of nausea, sometimes the driest and most bland food options will do the trick. You may be worried about the nutritional value of these types of food as you are pregnant but it is more important to be able to keep some food down at least. Try toast or plain salted crackers or crisps to see if they help to settle your stomach. Some women also swear by rice cakes and others by plain salted popcorn.


4) Vitamin B6

Research as far back as the 1940’s has shown that upping your intake of Vitamin B6 during periods of morning sickness can be extremely helpful in lessening nausea and vomiting in some women. More recently a 2014 study showed that low levels of this vitamin in some women could be associated with an increase in morning sickness. The recommended dosage is 25mg of vitamin B6, taken three times per day.


As with any nutritional supplement, it is best to chat with your health care provider before trying anything new.

5) Extra Sour

This tip may sound counter-intuitive but many women swear by it.

For a healthy sour option sip on freshly squeezed lemon or lime mixed with water, or a fresh salad dressed with vinegar.


Other sour options include sucking on sour sweets that help to boost blood sugar levels.

6) Ice Cold Treats


When the thought of drinking or eating anything is unbearable it is easy to become dehydrated and low on energy. This unfortunately only perpetuates the morning sickness. Some women report living off ice-cold frozen fruit popsicles to combat their thirst as well as boosting their blood sugar levels.


Shop bought fruit popsicles are an easy choice or alternatively make your own by freezing Gatorade or fruit juices in an ice tray. Sucking on these flavored ice cubes is an easy way to get both your fluids and calories in.


7) Avoid getting Hungry or Thirsty

This may sound like an obvious tip but one of the main contributing factors to morning sickness is a dip in blood sugar levels and so it is essential to eat before you get hungry or thirsty (even though you may not feel like it):

  • Try and eat something as soon as possible when you wake up. Keep snacks next to your bed if need be.
  • As much as the morning may be a bit of a rush in every other way, take the time to ensure that you manage to eat something substantial.

  • Try to ensure that you have snacks with you and that you manage to nibble on something small every two hours or so throughout the day. This is essential to keep your blood sugar levels balanced.
  • Do not worry if it seems like the only food you can stomach is junk food. Morning sickness is only for a limited period of time and you can catch up nutritionally when you start to feel better

  • If drinking water or other fluids sounds unbearable, try to concentrate on eating fruits rich in liquid like watermelon or grapes. Even slight dehydration can also worsen morning sickness.