Pugs are one of the oldest dog breeds in the world — many people believe that they originated about 2,000 years ago. Back then, pugs were bred to be companions for emperors of ancient China and Buddhist monks living in Tibetan monasteries. Luckily today, anybody can enjoy all the love and funny moments that these majestic dogs bring to the world.
We gathered 26 photos proving that getting a pug is the best thing that can ever happen in your life.
1. “Aren’t my nails cute?”
2. “When I brought my pugs to the vet…”
3. “Come here and play with me!”
4. Absolute happiness
5. Too smushy to care
6. Pugs have these problems too.
7. “I used my teeth too to keep it fair.”
8. Two pugs lying together in a friendly hug
9. A pug-fie
10. “Oh, no…not Monday again!”
11. Sometimes pugs have their own dark thoughts.
12. The resemblance is uncanny.
13. A pug-cel of happiness
14. “Hey there! How do I look?”
15. Once upon a pug…
16. “No plans today, let’s keep it that way.”
17. “I put booties on my pug and he broke.”
18. “The only part of me that’s flexible is my stomach.”
19. We don’t think he could find a cozier place to stay warm.
20. He wanted to be as cool as that 3-headed dog from Harry Potter.
21. “Hey! I’m watching you, bro!”
22. Pugs love everyone!
23. The more puggies you have, the happier you are.
24. Note to self: pugs hate slides.
25. “Don’t you think my owner is super cute?”
26. When you’re trying to be on the same page with your pet.
27. Stephen King’s IT — The director’s pug
When this puggo pulled up riding shotgun (complete with cool t-shirt and v cool goggles):
Literally whenever the legendary @bubblebeccapugs posts a pic to Insta!!!!!!!!!
When this puggerino got scolded and all of Twitter came to his defense:
When this puggo gave us the perfect reaction shot!!!!!!!

Every single time @dogs_infood photoshops a pug into a snacko:
When Emma the pug took her rightful position as the ~World’s Fastest Pug~!!!!!!!!

When all of the pugs dressed up for Japan’s National Pug Day!!!!!!!
When this lil’ puglet was serenaded. ???
Whenever @itsdougthepug posted something involving — or at least alluding to — pizza:
Whenever the @pugdashians served us with a killer hat/pearl necklace combo!!!!!!
When Pugsley did a h*ckin’ SMOOOOOOOSH:

When this lovely lady went to prom but HAD NO ONE TO DANCE WITH!!!!!!!!! ???
When this image singlehandedly broke the pug internet community.