Categories: ListiclePARENTS

20 Brilliant Parenting Tricks That Actually Work and Will Make Your Life Easier

Parenting is a full-time job (and then some!). We’re always on the lookout for ways to make our lives easier while keeping our kids happy and healthy, which is why we’ve rounded up 20 genius parenting tricks that actually work. Keep reading to get the scoop.


Keep your baby book up to date.

When you’re a busy parent, updating the baby book isn’t exactly a top priority. Keep a white board handy where you can jot down milestones as they happen. Once the board is filled up, snap a picture to save for when you have time to update the book.

Have a pizza cutter handy.

It’s not just for pizza—you can easily cut up waffles, bread and lots of other food for your tot with a pizza cutter.


Master the art of multitasking.

When your kids are playing in the bathtub, that’s a good time to clean the bathroom while you keep an eye on them. Same goes for the kitchen or other areas!


Streamline your entryway.


If you’ve got hooks by the door for jackets and bags, personalize the hooks for each member of your family. It’ll make it easier to grab what you need and dash out.

A kitchen timer is a life saver.

Skip the arguments and pleas for “5 more minutes!” by setting a timer until your kid’s next task (brushing teeth, going to bed, etc.).


Make bath time a little easier.

Keep toys from floating away by placing a laundry basket in the tub.


Put sprinkles on everything.


Got a picky eater? A dash of rainbow sprinkles might help convince them to drink a healthy smoothie or juice.

Use a frozen pacifier to relieve teething pain.


Freeze the pacifier in an ice cube tray filled with water, juice or formula to help soothe achy gums.

Keep the kids entertained on your next road trip.

Tie a shoe caddy to the back of the front seat, then fill it with games, snacks, stuffed animals and other boredom-busting items.


Clean up craft messes with a lint roller.

Whether you’ve got a mess of glitter or tiny beads, you can take care of it in seconds with a lint roller.


Keep your little one clean when they’re chowing down on a popsicle.

Use a cupcake liner to catch drips so you don’t end up with a sticky mess.


Make mealtime fun.

Turn your little one’s lunch into a board game—they have to eat their healthy food before they get dessert!


Keep a spray bottle filled with water in the car.

On a hot day, spray the scorching hot seat belt buckles with the water. No more painful surprises!


Curb the internet addiction.

If screen time is getting in the way of your kid’s responsibilities, switch up the wifi password to help motivate them to get things done.


Use this trick to make sure littles don’t get stuck in a room.

Loop a rubber band over both doorknobs to keep the door unlocked.


Make cleaning into a game.

Encourage tots to help out around the house by making it into a game.


Turn down the volume on those toys.

If your kid has a toy that makes headache-inducing noises, put some tape over the speakers to muffle it a little.


Try this cheap alternative to an ice pack.

Keep your kid’s lunch cold with a frozen sponge inside a ziplock bag.


Make eating watermelon even easier.


Cut the fruit into long slices to make it the perfect size for tiny hands.

Use coffee filters for snack time.

You won’t have any dirty dishes, and they’re the perfect portion size.