Everybody likes to save time when it comes to cooking.
And as far as convenience goes, it doesn’t get much better than a microwave. Just throw in what you want to cook, hit some buttons, and a few minutes later you’re ready to eat!
But before you start throwing in whatever you want to cook, you should know that not everything is microwave safe.
Here’s a list of ten things that should never go in a microwave.
#10 Whole Eggs
Eggs cook pretty fast on the stovetop, so there’s not much need to put them in the microwave. Especially when you consider that each one of these little guys is basically a ticking time bomb that will leave you with a yolky mess to clean up in about 30 seconds.
The eggs explode because they heat up too quickly and the steam has nowhere to escape. Although it’s not recommended, you can make scrambled eggs by removing them from the shell and heating them for about 45 seconds.
#9 Grapes
Similar to eggs, grapes are also an explosion hazard. But unlike eggs, grapes are made of just the right material that when they interact with the radiation from the microwave, they will turn into a plasma like substance. It may look cool at first, but you won’t be saying that when the grapes explode and your appliance is ruined.
But not being able to heat up grapes in the microwave shouldn’t come as much of a sacrifice. Because really, who needs to heat up grapes anyway?
#8 Whole Potatoes
These are yet another explosion hazard if they’re not properly ventilated. To make them safe for the microwave, just punch several holes in each potato to allow the steam to escape. Try cooking a sweet potato wrapped in a paper towel for a healthy snack.
#7 Anything Metal
Many people probably already know this, but anything metal and your microwave do not mix! This includes aluminum foil. If you try to heat up anything metal in your microwave, it will cause lots of sparks and smoke. This one’s simple. Just don’t do it!
#6 Whole Hot Peppers
If you’ve got some sliced up peppers in your leftovers, you shouldn’t have any problems at all. But heating a whole pepper just doesn’t work well. The radiation from the microwave fuses with the chemicals in the pepper to create a soft and unpleasant texture.
#5 Styrofoam
It’s surprising that styrofoam is still being made. It’s terrible for the environment, but some kinds of styrofoam when heated up create styrene gas which has been linked to cancer. Not all forms of styrofoam emit this gas, but just to be sure, this one you simply should never do.
#4 Paper Bags
Paper bags in the microwave are a potential fire hazard. Plus any ink from the bag could liquify and run into your food. Not good! On the other hand, popcorn bags and paper plates are typically fine.
#3 Some Plastic Containers
This rule doesn’t apply to every plastic container, but some are a potential melting hazard. When you consider all the nasty chemicals found in plastic, it’s probably best to keep these out of your microwave.
#2 Travel Mugs
This one ties into several of the rules above. If you need to reheat your coffee fast, don’t do it in a thermos made of metal or plastic. Aside from the dangers of these two materials that we’ve already talked about, your coffee probably won’t taste very good either.
#1 Nothing
Again, there’s not really a reason for anybody to do this, but turning your microwave on with nothing inside can cause some problems. Microwaves emit small amounts of radiation that heat your food. But when these waves have nothing to attach to, the radiation can get stronger. These levels of radiation could harm your appliance or even your health.