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50 Hilarious Times The World Decided To Mess Up People’s Day

Whether it was just a bit of small bad luck or the worst day possible, we’ve all had moments when it seems like the whole world is against us. It happens, believe me.

Check out these 50 photos of situations you should be glad you’re not a part of (and maybe learn some lessons along the way).

While these might all make for a bad day, no doubt someone got a laugh out of them; they certainly had enough of a sense of humor to get a photo.


1. The stress mess

There’s nothing like getting ready for some skin self care…until it goes crashing to the floor. We’re just hoping no one tried to salvage any bits of lotion from the broken glass – that’s just a recipe for more disaster.

Source: MagicalTurtleMan via reddit

2. Denied

That is just so cruel. It’s one thing to see that snack slow down and start to look like it might get stuck in the machine, but then when you see the label you know it’s not meant to be. At least it’s funny for a second.

Source: Zhungy via reddit

3. So much for that idea

Well, we can certainly see why this dog owner needed a solution for excessive chewing. On the bright side, maybe it worked and the dog is now REALLY discouraged from bad behavior.

Source: Torkelxx via reddit

4. Hitting the wall

This reader was just trying to read a story about walls and whether or not they change the way we think. Unfortunately, the New Yorker’s paywall prevented that. Walls definitely change the way we read!

Source: indorock via reddit

5. Defeating the purpose

We’d hate to be the cyclist who tried to make their way down this bike lane. The sign is a nice reminder, but couldn’t it be less of a hazard?

Source: Reilers via reddit

6. No scissors for you

We can see why this person needed to purchase more scissors. But couldn’t the old ones do this one last job before self-destructing?

Source: gasstationfitted via reddit

7. Awkward

Breakups aren’t fun for anyone, but people applauding makes it a really bad moment. Check please!

Source: boi_thats_my_yeet via reddit

8. Dance with caution

It’s a nice sentiment, but hopefully no one took it too literally unless they wanted to provide some nice security footage.

Source: CitySolar via reddit

9. Travel fail

It’s all about the journey, not the destination, right? It certainly is in this case after a two-hour journey foiled by fog. At least she can say that she’s been there.

Source: theloneaztek via reddit

10. The perfect break

There’s not much you can do other than shake your head and snap a pic when you’re about to start a 7-hour plane ride and go to plug in your headphones only to find that the last pair had snapped off perfectly in the outlet. There’s no solving that problem, so we hope they’re at least a heavy sleeper.

Source: wildrose4everrr via reddit

11. Just another day at work

Do you stand back from the paint shaker at the hardware store? This is probably why. We hope she got to go home early to start washing that out of her hair.

Source: needmorexanax via reddit

12. A job well done

Not only is this a job poorly done but that’s not even a fortune! So much for a chance at good luck.

Source: tricky3737 via reddit

13. Flash flood

The weather is never 100% accurate, and it looks like this day saw some unexpected rain. The look on the dog’s face after his surprise bath is pretty priceless though.

Source: KevlarYarmulke via reddit

14. Disobedience

We’re really wondering about the credentials of the dog training program this little guy graduated from. Do you get your money back when this happens?

Source: BeckerKM21 via reddit

15. Always be specific about your wishes

Have we learned nothing from genies in bottles? You have to be careful when you make a wish and be very specific about how you want it to happen.

Source: Zoower via reddit

16. Spelling success

If the only word you can spell correctly is illiterate, that means you’re not entirely illiterate, right? Can we count that as a plus?

Source: thegenieass via reddit

17. He had it coming

We still wouldn’t want to be this guy trying to get out of the parking lot, but we definitely have some questions about his parking abilities. Chances are his skills will improve after this stunt.

Source: AlpineEsel via reddit

18. Bad planning

Let’s just hope the person who hung these letters didn’t graduate from this school.

Source: via reddit

19. False advertising

Well that’s just not fair. It looks like the movie’s villian “Mr. Glass” had a hand in this.

Source: itsamiracole via reddit

20. Limits

Apparently, everything has its limit. Even the No Limits app.

Source: TruffleMonkey via reddit

21. Finally

Is it just us, or is this not the hand dryer we’ve been looking for all these years? So much for working properly.

Source: jeffgolenski via reddit

22. Nothing is invincible

Even books with the title Invincible are subject to damage. On the bright side, it looks like it’s been read plenty of times – better a well-read book than a pristine one.

Source: PartayDisc via reddit

23. Not cool

Don’t you hate when the weather forces you to wear a jacket that ruins your whole look? This pic takes it to a whole new level. Guess he’ll have to be chilly or button up – there’s really no in-between choice here.

Source: flyoverthemooon via reddit

24. Define “non-stick”

This is going to require a good soak and some scrubbing, which is probably not what this person expected when they bought a non-stick frying pan.

Source: LucPux3 via reddit

25. Happy birthday from no one

We’re guessing that previous birthdays weren’t worth looking back on either unless Gary has made a lot of enemies in the last year. Aren’t algorithms smart enough not to bring up this message if no one is helping you celebrate?

Source: Pirate_Redbeard via reddit

26. The saddest day

That poor pizza. It looks like the rain made it too slippery for pizza night to be a success.

Source: via Imgur

27. No day at the beach

Looks like someone will be riding home from the beach in their wet swimsuit unless they catch up with the furry thief that stole their shorts.

Source: ReaganAbe via reddit

28. Watch those breaks

This snafu looks like it’ll take more than one person to clean up. Hopefully the photographer lent a helping hand to this unlucky driver who may have hit the breaks a bit too hard (and forgot to secure the door?).

Source: Gregplane via reddit

29. Improper drainage

This is why it’s best to call in a professional. We’re not sure how one manages to install a sink with the faucet on the wrong side, but we hope they budgeted a bit more time for the project.

Source: MgwenaB via reddit

30. Pick a card

Well, if your dog is going to chew up any card, it might as well be the one you were going to blame on him anyway, right?

Source: JaredGutie via reddit

31. Faceplant

So much hard work undone by one simple misstep. At least the artist got a photo before their day went sideways.

Source: @Ricky_1_ via Twitter

32. Mismatched

What’s worse, finding out you’re wearing two different shoes hours into your day or wondering how many people noticed and just chose not to tell you?

Source: SirSpankalott33 via reddit

33. Wrong button

It was a bad day to hit the sunroof button instead of the rear defrost. But if you’re snapping a pic, chances are you have some humor left in you over the situation.

Source: yelpats via reddit

34. Dress whites

Well that’s awkward. There are so many rules about how to wear a uniform, but we’re guessing split down the front seam isn’t one of them.

Source: Spodiz via reddit

35. So lame

From flame to lame, this Ford Fiesta is a bit of an embarrassment to its owner now. Let’s just hope there’s some glue nearby.

Source: Thechuz1337 via reddit

36. Wake up call

Sudden sprinkler showers are the worst. But we’ve never had one hit us right in the face like this poor kid. That’s some great photo timing though!

Source: TheLeagueOfShadows via reddit

37. Lost forever

You have to be careful about bringing your smartphone to the zoo. We’re pretty sure this one is a lost cause.

Source: PraxAttacks via reddit

38. Scooter fail

There seem to be a lot of scooter accidents lately. But this one takes the cake since it threw its rider into freshly laid cement. That’s got to be hard to clean off.



39. Kite tent

And this is why you have to stake your tent into the ground properly. What goes up must come down – we just hope it wasn’t onto that nearby tree.

Source: hawkwardd via reddit

40. Out of toner

If you’ve ever gotten printer toner on your skin or clothing you are probably shuddering at this photo. We really hope no one was around when this happened, but the nearby shoe prints would indicate that someone had a very bad day at work.

Source: dream_monkey via reddit

41. Cleanup in aisle 4

It’s bad enough to have a pile full of broken glass, but did it have to be olive oil? That’s not going to be fun to clean.

Source: AndySlot via Imgur

42. No words

This is just a bad day all over. We hope this guy is ok, but we’re guessing the homeowner is beside themselves.

Source: JaCobra789 via reddit

43. Not part of the recipe

People have all sorts of secret sauce recipes, but we’re betting glass wasn’t one of the ingredients here.

Source: via Imgur

44. Sandwich fail

French bread makes a sandwich taste great, but those baguettes can be tricky. We’re guessing that you’d have to skip the condiments on this one.

Source: bluebell959 via reddit

45. Treat yourself

You might think anyone who holds out an ice cream cone in order to take a photo is extending an invitation to the local wildlife to take a bite. That’s certainly the case here and we’re pretty impressed that this former ice cream cone owner managed to hold onto the camera to snap another shot!

Source: @youngweonhi via Twitter

46. Going up

We don’t know how this happened, but just remember this guy next time you think you’re having a bad day at work.

Source: via Imgur

47. Sweet 16

We’re not sure what’s worse, putting the effort into making cupcakes that end up on the floor, destroying the birthday girl’s treat, or having to clean up flaming cupcake while everyone looks on disappointedly. At least there’s a photo to look back on for a good laugh.

Source: via reddit

48. Savage stilettos

Anyone who wears heels knows you have to be careful around those grates. But sometimes they’re hard to spot until you’re accidentally wearing one. And one you’ve pierced it, it’s not easy to get off without ruining your shoe.

Source: Brooke4269 via reddit

49. Ambiance fail

We know fire and electronics don’t mix, but who could have seen this coming? That’s one expensive mistake. We hope they saved their work before it went up in flames.

Source: EricRich via Imgur

50. You got slimed

Most people still put a hand on top of the blender while making smoothies even if the lid fits tight enough because they’re trying to avoid exactly this scenario. Certainly not a great way to start off your day.

Source: Haganblount via Imgur

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