Why do we love animals? Well one of the biggest reasons is that they are hilarious. If you have pets of your own or observe wildlife often, you know this. What makes them so funny?
Animals tend to get themselves in all kinds of silly situations. They get stuck in places, make funny poses, and always seem to be in some kind of hilarious trouble. They just can’t help it.
Pet owners try to keep their pets from making goofy mistakes, but they can’t always be around to help them. Sometimes their pets have to wait until their owners get home to be rescued. Sometimes, their owners take the time to snap a photo before they help out their pets.
These pet owners did exactly that. They caught their pets or other animals in the middle of some epic fails. They were also kind enough to share their photos with the rest of us.
1. Is He Stuck?
This dog thought he found the perfect comfortable spot on the couch. Now he might be stuck. Hopefully, nobody sits down and squishes him. Wonder how long he was there?
2. Trying To Make New Friends
This little hippo was just trying to make some new friends. He thought this group of birds might be fun to hang out with but now, it looks like he is a little overwhelmed.
3. Why Is The Water Suddenly Warm?
These polar bears are having fun swimming in the icy cold water. One decided he would warm up the other. This poor bear has no idea why his friend is peeing on his head.
4. Poor Kitty
Cats have a way of being too curious for their own good. It can get them into trouble. This cat found this out the hard way. Hopefully, she is okay.
5. That’s Not How Stairs Work
This bird is learning to go down the stairs. Unfortunately, he’s doing it wrong. Maybe he should just stick to flying. It might be safer.
6. He Didn’t Ask For This
This is proof that no good deed goes unpunished. This water buffalo was nice enough to give this bird a free ride. All he got in return was a crappy day.
7. He Regrets It Now
This ferret thought he could fit through this cardboard tube. It started out fine, but now he’s stuck. He clearly regrets trying it. Hopefully someone rescued him.
8. Looks So Real
This dog thought he hit the jackpot when he found this giant bowl of food on the wall. He went right over and started trying to eat it. Then, he realized it wasn’t real. Too late, someone already took a photo.
9. He Hates Water
It’s no secret that cats hate water. This cat hates it so much that he wants to make sure the hose never works again. He seems to have gotten himself a little caught up in it though.
10. Caught In The Act
They kept blaming the cat for tearing up the blinds. Then, they caught this dog in the act. He looks pretty guilty too. He must have seen the mailman outside.
11. He Was Super Hungry
This snake is so hungry that he can’t help but eat his own tail. He may have seen it moving and thought it was prey. How is he going to out of this situation?
12. It’s Slippery
This Panda has a nice enclosure. The zookeepers were sure to give him plenty of toys to play with. Maybe a slide wasn’t a good idea. He doesn’t seem to have mastered it just yet.
13. It’s Better Than Nothing
This goose is clearly desperate for some water. It must be a hot day. At least he knows how to make the most out of what he has. The fact that this is a puddle and not a pond doesn’t seem to be a problem.
14. Long Way Down
The mouse was caught trying to scale down the side of the wall. He is doing his best to make it down safely. Poor little guy better hold on tight. It looks like a big fall for a little mouse.
15. Lettuce Lover
Manatees love to eat and they are often fed lettuce at the zoo. This manatee can’t help but dive right into his lunch. At least the other manatees won’t take it away from him.
16. Shouldn’t Have Jumped
Cats are always running and jumping on furniture. This one seems to have miscounted the distance. The look on his face says it all.
17. Where Is His Face?
This seal is really interested in what’s on the other side of the glass. He has his face pressed against it so hard that you can barely tell he is a seal. Hopefully his face doesn’t get stuck that way.
18. Don’t Be So Nosey
This cat literally stuck his nose where it doesn’t belong. The lizard thought he had found a snack. Now they’re both confused and embarrassed.
19. He’s Been In There Too Long
This little kitten needs out. He has been in his crate for so long he is going crazy. He’s trying everything he can to break out.
20. What A Mess
Huskies are full of energy and fun. They love to run and play chase. These two aren’t very good at it. One has ran into the other so hard that it’s thrown him in the air and twisted him all around. Hopefully he had a soft landing.
21. It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time
This cat thought he was going to taste freedom. He couldn’t believe someone finally left the window open. Now he’s stuck between the glass and the screen. Freedom will have to wait.
22. He Wanted A Hat
This deer looks like he’s trying to impress his mate with a new hairstyle or hat. He may be trying too hard. She’s not impressed and he looks ridiculous. Dating is hard.
23. All The Way To The Bottom
This little hamster was hungry. He wanted to make sure he got every last crumb. Now he’s stuck in his food bowl and can’t get out.
24. One Rolled Over
Someone wasn’t watching these panda babies very well. They are so cute, but they love to roll. This one rolled right off the table. Hopefully, he was okay.
25. He Likes His Sash
This Pigeon wanted to stand out. He now has this beautiful sash. He better enjoy it. One of his friends might come along and eat it right off him.
26. He’s A Ball Hog
This deer either wants to play ball or wants to make sure nobody else does. How does this even happen? How will he ever get it out?
27. He Got A Little Dirty
This dog was told not to swim in the mud puddle. He decided that it would be okay to stick his head in, but then he got carried away. Now he has to do the walk of shame back to his owner.
28. How Is This Even Possible?
This horse is stuck in a tree. How did he even get in it? Was he trying to find something inside? Regardless of how he got there, he’s stuck now. Hopefully, someone got him out.
29. This Wasn’t What He Expected
This bird thought he was getting a good meal when he picked up this snake. Now it’s wrapped around his beak and he can’t open it. Which one will let go first?
30. He Really Likes Bread
This cat thought he had caught a lucky break when he found an uneaten sandwich on the table. He dove into it, literally. Now, he can’t get the crust off his head. Hope it was a good sandwich.
31. Polar Bears Can’t Read
If polar bears could read; this one may not have fallen. You would think that they would know better living in the ice and snow. Guess not. He seems to at least be enjoying his little slide on the ice.
32. He’s Not Very Good At Sports
Most dogs love to catch the Frisbee and are good at it. This one isn’t. He’s taken a Frisbee to the face one too many times, and he still can’t catch. Maybe he should just try fetching sticks instead.
33. Its Officially Summer
This dog is curious about this lounge chair. Is this how you relax? His poor owners can’t even enjoy their pool thanks to their silly dog.
34. Something’s Gotta Give
This dog found the perfect stick. All he wants to do is get it off the porch so he can play with it. Too bad he can’t figure out how to do it. Maybe he can just enjoy it on the porch instead.
35. There Are No Words
This goat shouldn’t have tried to get out of the fence. Now he is stuck and in a lot of pain. He can’t move or else he might lose some very important parts of himself. What a jam!