Categories: DIYListicle

22 Life Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed, But Won’t Be Able To Live Without.

12 36.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 22 Life Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed, But Won’t Be Able To Live Without.

Want to learn some easy and quick life hacks that not only save you money but also saves you time in the long run?


Why live a normal life by everyone’s rules when you can live one with special life hacks that’ll make your life a lot easier. There will always be obstacles in your life that make everything feel so difficult. Fortunately for us, the Internet is filled with handy life-saving tips that can help anyone in any situation!

It’s amazing thinking that just by tweaking little things, it can make your life a whole lot easier.

#1. Save money on vegetables by buying them in bulk, cutting them up, and then freezing them.

We know veggies expire fast. By freezing them, they’ll last a lot longer.

Save money on vegetables by buying them in bulk, cutting them up, and then freezing them.


#2. To create more storage in your kitchen cabinets, mount towel racks on the side of the cabinet doors.

Store all of your pan and pot lids here.

To create more storage in your kitchen cabinets, mount towel racks on the side of the cabinet doors.


#3. Cut slits into the slides of your band-aid for pesky finger cuts.

This method will prevent the bandages from always slipping off.


#4. Create your very own DIY lunchables out of a mini mason jar and empty apple sauce container.

There are great for lunch or snacks to bring to work or school.



#5. Create a medical card with all your medical info on it and keep it somewhere visible in your wallet.

This is especially great for people who may have certain allergies or medication needs. It may even save your life one day.


#6. For the perfect french tip, paint over a big rubberband.

Or you can use tape as well!


#7. Cook two pizzas at the same time by cutting each one in half and placing them on each side of the pan.

Great for when you have a lot of people with you.


#8. Slip a long piece of paper into a tube of chips so that when you tip the tube over, the chips have something to lay on top of.

No more crumbs at the end. No more sticking your arm all the way into the bottom of the tube.


#9. Slice a piece of a mini pint of ice cream and place it between two large cookies for a super neat ice cream sandwich!

Let’s take a moment to thank the genius who came up with this.


#10. On a super hot day, freeze a few big jugs of water and place them in front of a fan for a cooler breeze.

This is super useful for people who don’t have air conditioning in their home.


#11. On hot days where your car is unbearable to be in, place a coozie over your shift stick.

Save yourself from a hand burn.


#12. To keep your greens fresher for longer, place a paper towel in the same container as your greens.

If you don’t want to freeze your veggies, this is a great alternative. The towels takes the moisture from the lettuce so that it’ll remain crisp for a longer time.


#13. Place picture hooks onto the sides of a trash can to keep the handles of the trash bag down.

Taking out and replacing the trash bag has never been easier.


#14. Instead of serving tacos laying on their side on a plate, use a muffin tin to serve them upright.

Just flip the muffin tin upside down and place the tacos in between the blocks.


#15. If you have ice pops to freeze, place them upright in the freezer.

This way, you’ll always have a clean and clear cut.


#16. If you don’t have sprinklers at your house, create your very own one out of a hose and empty plastic bottle.

Just cut multiple holes into the plastic bottle and place it over a running hose.


#17. When you don’t have a funnel handy and need to pour some oil in your car, use a screwdriver.

Just pour the oil against the screwdriver.


#18. When hammering something down, use a clothespin to hold down the nail.

This way, you won’t accidentally hammer your fingers.


#19. If you like to drink iced coffee, freeze your coffee leftovers in an ice cube tray.

And then use these special ice cubes for your next coffee, this way it doesn’t dilute your drink.


#20. Create your very own legit ice pack by freezing 3 parts water with 1 part rubbing alcohol.

You can add a little glitter if you want your ice pack to have some decorative flair.


#21. When walking on ice, keep the center of your gravity on your front leg instead of mid-stride.

If that’s confusing, just think of how a penguin walks.


#22. To ensure that your juice box doesn’t explode all over the table, cut a tiny hole in the top corner of the box.

Now you don’t have to worry about a sticky mess.