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19 Dog Hacks That Every Human Needs To Know About.

Life hacks are some of the greatest things us humans can create. We encounter a problem and we fix it with the most simplest of methods. We get creative when thinking of a solution.

Humans are also equally great for creatively thinking of solutions to their dogs’ problems. From making a mini wheelchair for a handicapped dog to building a self ball-launching fetch machine, dog owners really have thought of it all.


Dogs are after all man’s best friend and what kind of best friend are we if we’re not constantly thinking of the best ways for our dogs to live.

#1. When you need a helping hand while fixing cars.

Who makes a better assistant than man’s best friend?

#2. When all your dogs want to do is peek outside.

Installed holes specifically for the dogs’ heads. Who thinks of these things?


#3. When you need your dog to take a perfect photo.

This is too brilliant. Guaranteed good photo every time.


#4. When your little bud is crippled.

You create a 3D printed walker! Look at how cute this mini sized dog looks in a mini sized walker.


#5. When your dogs keep getting food in their ears.

This only works for dogs with big fluffy ears. And even with big fluffy ears, please let their ears down immediately after!


#6. When you figure out a way to no longer have to play fetch ever again.

The owner who built this machine is genius. Now the little guy can play with himself all day.


#7. When you have a group of dogs during Halloween.

You gotta dress them all within a theme. For example here, the corgi avengers.


#8. When you decide to give a whole new meaning to “dog door.”

This is the greatest dog door ever, EVER.


#9. When your dog has short legs and is getting old.

You make his or her life as comfortable as you can! This owner is doing it right.


#10. When your dog’s always curious of what’s on the outside.

Peeping outside has never been easier.



#11. When the New York subway system bans dogs unless they can fit in a small bag.

They set the rules, these guys are just following them.


#12. When you want to give your dog a nice cold treat on a hot day.

Ice AND treats on a hot day? These dogs have it too good.


#13. When you need to come up with a way to take multiple rescued stray dogs on an adventure.

This 80-year-old man built the train himself! Just so he can take these strays on daily morning adventures… if he’s not the greatest person ever, I don’t know who is.


#14. When you want to surprise your dog for his or her birthday.

What better surprise than a pit of balls?!



#15. When your dog can no longer walk.

A home-made wheelchair… this makes my heart melt.


#16. When your pup wants to sleep on the same bed as you.

A mini compartment within your bed! Now they can technically sleep together, win win situation.


#17. When your dog gets neutered or spayed and you can’t help yourself.

You have to take advantage of the short time they have left with that cone of them.


#18. When you want to make something out of an old sweater.

Great project to do for a person who has old sweaters they no longer wear.


#19. When you buddy is slowly going blind.

Now he won’t run into things! GENIUS.