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If You Demonstrate These 15 Characteristics, You Have One Of The World’s Rarest Personality Types

The Meyers-Briggs system is used to categorize people by personality types. The rarest personality is INFJ—it blends intuitiveness with judgmentalism and introversion. There are 15 traits that all INFJs possess. An INFJ:

1. Likes to Write

These people write a lot whether they maintain journals or author fiction. There’s often a preference for the spoken word over the written word, and likely because it lets them express their thoughts in a way that they cannot with others.


2. Tends to Overthink

This personality tends to epitomize paralysis by analysis and particularly in regard to social situations. Rather than let them play out, they run them over and over again in their minds.


3. Never Settles


INFJ-types think go big or home. They have a very all-or-nothing mentality, which means that they will often avoid roles if they feel that they cannot be the absolute best at them.


4. Struggles to Put Ideas to Words


For people with this personality, it’s not always easy to put the concepts in their heads into words. This is why they often struggle with face-to-face situations, which are often time-sensitive, and love writing, which usually isn’t.


5. Isolates Himself or Herself


Loners is what you might call these people, but they don’t necessarily see it as a negative. Whether they’re home, walking in park or enjoying coffee at a cafe alone, this is an opportunity to get their thoughts straight and find their inner selves.


6. Can Fit in Anywhere


INFJs are be-ers, which means they can fit in almost anywhere. No matter the crowd or the environment, they can adapt due to how flexible they are. While this may be construed as a negative, these people have no qualms with using it to their advantage.


7. Empathizes a Lot


Not everyone can empathize with others, but INFJs can do it so intensely that it really affects who they are. It generally means that they’re tremendously generous and compassionate even with strangers. They will rarely intentionally hurt someone.


8. Is Selective with Friends


It can be said that people with an INFJ personality are very selective and perhaps no more so than with those they select as friends. Since they are so comfortable alone, they would rather be isolated than be around people who made them feel not themselves.


9. Seeks Truth


Some people seek truth in all that they encounter. An INFJ is like that whether it be with the mysteries of the universe or their belief in God. They favor deep conversations and can often find depth in subjects most others may ignore.


10. Trusts Intuition

An INFJ has a strong sense of intuition, and perhaps more importantly, he or she will listen to it. Even if it steers them wrong, they believe it will be right more often than not.


11. Works Hard


There’s no such thing as a lazy INFJ. They give of themselves fully to the tasks at hand, and if they do not have a purpose currently, they’ll find one.


12. Is Forward-Thinking

A person with an INFJ mindset tends to see the big picture. She doesn’t get bogged down by trivialities, and he will always look ahead to what’s important in life.


12. Is a Problem Solver


They tend to be quite good at problem-solving particularly in real-world applications. If you face a logistical challenge, your INFJ friend may be just the person to sort it out.


13. Is a Walking Contradiction


An INFJ personality is made up of contrasting elements. The personality isn’t always in sync, and so they are prone to emotional changes and may even demonstrate bipolar-like behaviors.


14. Reads People Well


It can be said that an INFJ has an emotional intelligence with great depth. They’re not prone to manipulative people, and if words or actions are false, they’re quite good at spotting ulterior motives.