Categories: DIYListicle

22 Things You Can Do With Coffee Besides Drinking It.

When you think of all the things that you could do with coffee, the only thing that comes to mind is the obvious; you drink it. There’s no big mystery… or is there? It turns out that you can do a lot of things with coffee that can benefit you in your daily routine. You might even call coffee the jack of all trades because it can provide you with some cool ways of doing your household chores, and it can also work wonders for your beauty regimen too.


So next time that you consider pouring that cold coffee you didn’t drink for breakfast down the drain, or throwing your coffee grounds in the trash, you might want to reconsider using them for these purposes.

#1. Coffee is an excellent ingredient in the kitchen, especially when you’re baking treats next time.

When you follow a recipe to make brownies, switch out the liquids for leftover coffee. What you’ll end up with is a delicious coffee brownie that is tasty, complex, and full of flavor. Any coffee lover will fall head over heels for it.


#2. Believe it or not, coffee grounds can do wonders when it comes to getting rid of smells in your fridge.

Maybe you left an onion in your fridge and now the stench is overwhelming every time you open the door. Don’t worry. You can use some coffee grounds to mask the smell. It’s far more pleasant, and it’s a great deodorizer, especially if you don’t have any baking soda.


#3. Since the coffee grounds worked so well on your fridge, it’s safe to say they’ll work well on your hands.

Maybe you handled fish, and now you can’t get the stench off no matter how many times you’ve washed your hands. In that case, use coffee grounds. Not only will your hands smell nicer, but the grounds are a great exfoliator, so your hands will feel smoother.


#4. If you want your hair to shine, you don’t need to waste cash on Pantene when you’ve got coffee grounds.

Work some coffee grounds into your hair using your fingers the next time you take a shower. The grounds are so gritty that they’ll get rid of any hair gel or hairspray build-up, leaving your hair nice and shiny. As a bonus, the grounds will also darken your hair color too.


#5. Coffee grounds are a must to any beauty regimen, particularly when you need to exfoliate.

The grounds will get rid of any old skin that may be keeping your healthy skin from looking awesome. The revitalizing effects are simply amazing. Use a loofah to rub the grounds on your skin and you’ll look incredibly radiant.


#6. If you suffer from cellulite, then you’ll be happy to know that coffee grounds are an excellent remedy.

Add a spoon of coffee grounds, a couple of drops of olive oil, and mix well. Then just rub onto the affected areas. You can pretty much try this on any part of your body where you see cellulite, like your legs or your tummy.


#7. Coffee beans can be used for a lot of different things, and that includes decoration.

You can add some beans to a transparent jar. You can go to a craft store and buy jars that come in all sorts of wavy shapes. Some even have loops. Once you’ve picked your ideal jar or vase, pour some coffee beans and you’ll be all set.


#8. Coffee provides excellent benefits to people, but they can also do wonders for your beloved pet.

Cats and dogs will attract fleas when they’re playing in the yard or park. It turns out that the same exfoliating skin treatment you use to get rid of cellulite and other skin issues will also help get rid of fleas from your pets. Next time you bathe your flea-infested pets, use coffee grounds.


#9. You can make your own coffee soap so you can take a nice morning shower that’ll leave you energized.

Scented herbal soaps aren’t for everyone. But there’s one thing a lot of you can agree on and that’s the fact that you need your cup of coffee to get your morning started. By making your own soap from coffee, you’ll exfoliate your skin, deodorize your body, and you’ll come out smelling like a fresh cup of coffee.


#10. Do you love working in your garden and growing your own fruits and veggies? Then use coffee grounds.

Adding grounds to the soil can help things grow faster because they attract worms, and compost benefits from what worms do. So the next time you prepare to plant something, try mixing some leaves, some moss, and some coffee grounds together and add them to your soil.


#11. Coffee grounds can help stimulate the growth rates of those carrots you’ve planted in your garden.

All you have to do is mix dried coffee grounds with your carrot seeds before planting them. This will help your carrots grow. Just make sure that the grounds aren’t freshly brewed or this could delay the growth-stimulating effect.


#12. Coffee can be the ultimate cat repellent, but only if you don’t like felines anywhere near you.

You can use coffee grounds to keep your cats, or a neighborhood cat from wrecking your lovely garden. Just add the grounds to the compost or anywhere near a house plant that you don’t want your cat climbing on and voila! Instant cat repellent.


#13. You’ll never have to go out to the supermarket to buy mushrooms once you discover this coffee secret.

Collect enough grounds to fill up a 2-gallon bucket halfway. Then slightly moisten the grounds and add the edible mushroom spores and sawdust mixture and work it into the soil. Just don’t forget to drill some holes in the bucket so that the carbon dioxide can escape during the mushroom growing process.


#14. Getting rid of cooking grease isn’t easy, but coffee grounds can make scrubbing a bit less of a hassle.

The abrasiveness of the coffee grounds will cut through the grease layers of your pots and pans. Just be careful when you use it on any pans made of Teflon. You can also increase its cleaning power by combining the grounds with some baking soda.


#15. If you don’t want your house smelling like pine trees, lavender, or lemon, try coffee grounds instead.

For all you coffee fans out there, you should know that you can place coffee grounds near your A/C vents. This will carry the coffee aroma to all the rooms in your home. You’ll swear that you’ve stepped into a Starbucks. It really is the best air freshener you can have.


#16. Coffee grounds can give even the dullest wooden furniture you have a second chance at life.

Just rub some grounds delicately against all those scratch marks on your wooden chair, your tables, or your kitchen cabinets and you’ll not only mask those unsightly scratches, but also the wood discoloration that often occurs over time.


#17. You can use coffee to add a little extra energetic kick to a lot of your family’s favorite foods.

Next time you make gingerbread pancakes, add some brewed coffee to the mix. You can also make a coffee banana smoothie by adding bananas, yogurt, cocoa powder, honey and of course, some espresso. The possibilities are endless.


#18. You can become the ultimate Mrs. or Mr. Green Thumb by enhancing your garden’s pH balance.

Coffee contains a pH number of around 5, which makes it somewhat acidic. This is great because you can change the color of your flowers. For example, your hydrangeas can go from pink to blue. Just add the grounds to the soil and the hydrangeas will absorb natural aluminum in the dirt that will change its color.


#19. Coffee grounds are so powerful that they can absorb the scent of garlic and onions from everything.

You already know that it can remove the smell of onions from the fridge, but it can also get rid of the smell of garlic, as well as other pungent smells like fish. It not only works in the fridge, but also on your hands too.


#20. Get your DIY on by dyeing paper and wood with a mixture of coffee grounds and water.

Dip the paper into the brown colored-water and then allow it to dry. This will make the paper look like an antique. You can also scrub wooden panels with the same mixture and get the same effect. It’s perfect for art projects.


#21. In the same way that coffee is used to deter cats, you can use it to repel other pesky nuisances.

Coffee grounds have a way for repelling ants in ways that no one is entirely sure of. You’ll also find that the acidic content of the grounds will keep slugs away. Give it a try in your garden, particularly in areas where you know that ant hills tend to form.


#22. The next time you run out of paint, you can use coffee simply by mixing it with some water.

You can get different color tones by changing how much water you put in the mix. If you want a lighter color then add more water. If you want the color to be more intense, just add a little less water. It’s that easy.