Categories: DIYListicle

Ways To Clean Your Home Without Using Chemicals

Do you love a clean house, but despise chemically-filled products?


Well, prepare to be amazed by these all-natural solutions, which will leave your home spotless without the fumes or hazards!


Get your windows crystal clear

Don’t shell out money for the “blue stuff” in a bottle, when there are simple ingredients already in the cupboard! Learn how to make this wonderful alternative at the All In A Day’s Work blog.


Remove leftover gunk from your oven

Your oven can get pretty messy after a few too many home cooked meals. Simply make a paste out of baking soda and water, spread it, and let sit. After some time, wipe it out with a good vinegar spritz!


Scrub away grime in no time

Get your favorite cast iron pan squeaky clean with course salt. By rubbing it in with a sponge, it will help remove food particles and oils – all while allowing the pan to hold on to its seasoning.


Become dust-free with beeswax

Discover how you can polish your furniture beautifully by combining only two ingredients. This incredible recipe from Crunchy Betty will leave your woods glowing bright!


Freshen your toilet one flush at a time

If you’re not a big fan of cleaning the toilet (and we don’t blame you), try out this trick! Poke a hole into the lid of a bottle of vinegar. Then, place it upside down in your toilet tank. It will help keep the bowl ring-free with every flush! But…maybe give it a scrub too with this all-natural formula.


Say goodbye to grease stains

These pesky marks can easily ruin an article of clothing. Instead of throwing that t-shirt in the trash, try these easy steps to remove them!


Love what’s in your laundry

And while we’re talking about cleaning clothes, why not create your own detergent that is chemical-free! Just wait, Potholes & Pantyhose will have your family looking fresh in no time.


Your brass can look brand new

Has your brass and metal hardware seen better days? Now you can destroy the tarnish, naturally, with this non-toxic solution!


Clean ceiling fans without the mess

Trying to dust your ceiling fans is an awful chore. Not only do you end up with a face full of fuzz, but if you use a spray, be careful not to open your mouth! Here’s an awesome idea using a pillow case. Just place it onto a blade and slide to keep the dust contained.


Fruit flies be gone

Do you have a problem with fruit flies in the kitchen? No worries. Just place several pieces of citrus in the oven with the door ajar, and leave it overnight. The next morning, close the door and put the broiler on. Once it cools, refer back to the oven cleaning steps immediately!


While we’re on the topic of fruit

You can get rid of hard water stains in the bathroom with just a little old lemon. Rub the juice all over your dirty fixtures, and soon they’ll be shining bright!


If that shower stream just wont cut it

After time, you may find that your showerhead is so clogged up with mineral deposits – that it needs a serious cleaning. Forget the chemicals! Here are two different ideas on how to get them back into working order using simple ingredients.


Don’t pour chemicals (or your money) down the drain

Drain cleaning products can be extremely dangerous to leave around the house, especially if there are kids around. A mixture of baking soda and vinegar is not only effective, but safer and cheaper as well. Get the details from Mom 4 Real!


Sprinkle some soda for freshness

When your carpet isn’t smelling very delightful, it can make your home unpleasant to be in. Fortunately, this is an easy issue to solve! Mix 10 drops of peppermint essential oil with one cup of baking soda. Sift it onto the carpet, let sit, then finally vacuum it up.


No more dishwasher drama

Those dishwasher detergent packets at the store may be convenient, but they are also toxic and expensive. Did you know that you can actually make your own? This one blogger is in love with this recipe, which creates these cute tablets for next to nothing!


When you want a last minute shine

Wax paper is a great tool to keep in the kitchen, and not just for your baked goodies. It can get your faucet shiny, and even help prevent water spots. Sweet!


Wow, we pretty much completed a whole chore list without using a single chemically-filled product. Now THAT is the smell of a clean house!