Categories: ANIMALS

Man Hilariously Runs Into Cat Quarter Mile From Home

Some pets just don’t like saying goodbye when their bosses go to work – just like this four-footer from Brighton, UK. Meet Louis, an adorable furry Savannah cat who absolutely adores his owner and hates staying home.


Source: SherlockD, Instagram

The cat and his owner Darren Sherlock have become quite the internet sensation after the man suddenly bumped into his cat on the way to work.

It turns out that Louis doesn’t like staying home, and is up to some secret cat adventures whenever Darren is away. He likes spending time outside but always manages to get back home before Darren does – until their paths crossed rather coincidentally.

Source: SherlockD, Instagram


Darren noticed that Louis wasn’t anywhere to be found when he woke up but figured he’d be back again soon enough.

Source: SherlockyTweet, Twitter

“What happened yesterday morning is normally his routine is he’ll annoy us until we wake up and feed him and then he’ll go out for the day,” the man told UNILAD.


“When we woke up he wasn’t there and he was nowhere to be found so we both went to work thinking he’d come back soon. I was driving down the road and went past this place where I know he hangs out sometimes, and low and behold there he was.”

When the man spotted his cat, he was unsure what to do at first because he’d be late for work. Then he opened the car door, and the cat’s reaction is absolutely hilarious – his facial expressions really say more than a thousand words!

Source: SherlockyTweet, Twitter


“He jumped in the car and then I didn’t know whether to push him out the car because I needed to go to work, but I didn’t want to do that, so I drove him home, gave him some breakfast and then went to work.”

The man decided to post his funny cat encounter on Twitter, but certainly didn’t expect it to blow up overnight.

Source: SherlockyTweet, Twitter

“I couldn’t really get my head around the reaction on Twitter and when I woke up the next morning my partner nudged me and said it was on 50k retweets.”


“I only took that picture to send it to my partner Sam that I’d found him, and it was only because of his funny face that I put it on Twitter.”

Source: SherlockyTweet, Twitter 

As you can imagine, this cat certainly has a certain special character.


His owner says that his behavior more resembles that of a dog in a lot of ways, as the cat loves playing fetch and always greets Darren when he comes home.

It turns out that Louis is also quite the eater! Darren even got him a special collar that says ‘Please don’t feed me I am very greedy/nosy but nice’. Owning a pet is clearly never boring.

Source: SherlockD, Instagram


After tons of people started asking him questions about Louis and if he had any other fun interactions to share, he posted the following:

“He eats almost anything, so we can’t leave anything out on the side. Even a loaf of bread, he’ll have the loaf of bread on the floor and start munching it. What cat eats bread?”

“In the last couple of weeks we’ve had to fetch him for his dinner when we get home from work, and quite a few times we’ll be walking him back from his favourite spot and other people will walk past saying ‘it’s Louis’, and someone said ‘this is the greediest cat in the world’. So it seems like everyone knows who he is.”

“They’ve all said he’s been to their house, been under their beds, and weirdly I received a call who lives half a mile away saying Louis was on his first-floor balcony.”


“We actually had a call once from the local pet charity shop on the high street saying ‘your cat is in the shop saying hello to all the customers’, so I had to walk to the high street and Louis comes trotting over from between the clothes rails, and as soon as he saw me he followed me home.”

Source: SherlockD, Instagram 


It’s very clear that Darren and Louis are inseparable, and it’s just as funny as it is adorable. We can only imagine the next exciting cat adventures they have together!

Source: @SherlockyTweet, UNILAD