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Six Early Cancer Warning Signs That People Are Embarrassed To Talk About

Health conditions can come up with the most unpleasant and embarrassing symptoms possible. Despite people understanding that such warning signs shouldn’t be ignored, they often decide not to talk about it with anyone.


This can lead to further complication and life-threatening situations.


Regardless of what symptoms you are experiencing, never be shy to speak up about them. This way, you will know what’s going on with you and how to deal with the underlying condition.


Anal cancer is one of such embarrassing conditions that no one likes to discuss. Despite the fact that this type of cancer is rare, it can happen to anyone, and its symptoms can easily be misunderstood.


Anal cancer results from a genetic mutation that causes abnormal transformation of the healthy cells. As these cells grow, they create mass tumors that can be life-threatening if not discovered soon enough.


Below are six early warnings that may indicate anal cancer. While in most cases they aren’t serious, they shouldn’t be overlooked.

1. Anal Pain

Source: www.freehemorrhoids.com

Anal pain or tenderness often indicates hemorrhoids. It is estimated that around 75% of people have hemorrhoids at least at one point in their lives.

However, pain in the anus can also represent anal cancer. In that case, the pain will appear as mild but constant. If not treated, it will get worse and more painful. This means that the cancer is spreading.


2. Itchy Anus

If you’re feeling itchy down there, it might just be another standard itch that needs to be dealt with by scratching. Nevertheless, if you experience it commonly and along with other anal cancer signs, you should have your anus checked.



3. Rectal Discharge

Another common anal cancer symptom is anal discharge. While there are many potential types of discharge, the one related to anal cancer results in the release of jelly-like mucus. It may come out on its own or get wrapped around your stool. Monitor it and see a doctor if the discharge doesn’t stop in a few days.


absolutimages / shutterstock.com


4. Unusual Bowel Movements

Unfamiliar bowel movements are quite common, especially when a person is dealing with other infections and diseases. If you begin experiencing bowel movement changes, make sure to monitor them. Note down your findings and have the issue investigating if it persists.

GoldenFaraon / shutterstock.com


5. Anal Bleeding

This is probably the scariest anal cancer symptom there is. It also happens to be one of the leading signs that take place in the early stages. While hemorrhoids can cause bleeding as well, anal cancer could also be the reason for it.


Again, monitor it and have it checked out if it doesn’t go away soon.

CrystalEyeStudio / shutterstock.com


6. Lump Around Anus

ource: www.amazonaws.com

If you discover a lump near your anus keep an eye on it. If the mass begins to grow larger, there is a chance that it is a cancerous tumor. In this case, a growing pain will also be inevitable.


How to prevent anal cancer?
The causes of many anal cancers is unknown which is why there isn’t much information to prevent the disease, but there is much you can do to decrease the risk of the disease such as:


• Usage of Condoms
• Continuation of HIV treatments and medication
• Quitting smoking

Source: www.indiasurgerytour.com


If you experience the mentioned symptoms, don’t hesitate to visit your doctor. As unpleasant as that may be, it will help you stay healthy. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family and warn them about early anal cancer signs!