Categories: ListiclePARENTS

16 Times Babies Proved Photo Shoots Are Not Their Thing

Baby photo shoots are popular these days. But did you know the concept is almost 2 decades old? Photographer Anne Geddes could feel the new parents’ exact emotions and how desperately they wanted to seal those precious moments forever. Thus, the trend of newborn and baby photo shoots came into being when Anne started shooting naked babies back in the 90s.


However, when cuteness is supported by some alarming moments during the shoot, the memories become both cheerful and hilarious.

We had a great time collecting all these pictures of baby photo shoots that failed hilariously.

16. No, no, take me out. Like right now!


15. This Christmas hangover got me like…


14. Can’t you understand from my face that I need to poop?!


13. You can’t just squeeze me like that!


12. You really think I’ll be happy playing with balloons all day?


11. I’m a little off balance!


10. What you see on Pinterest is not always reality.

9. I am not feeling funny!


8. Maybe the wind is blowing too fast!


7. You’ll never understand the pleasure of putting everything in your mouth.


6. I can’t help but make faces, my tummy is funny.

5. And the award for the most patient and nice big brother goes to…


4. You can’t be serious, right?

3. When you ask me to close my eyes, I really feel sleepy. Age may be a factor.


2. Are we done yet?

1. No, this is not the definition of J-O-Y.


This picture might give you a feeling of what real parenting is like. No wonder it goes viral every Christmas season for its candidness and, of course, cuteness. However, Jamilia Jean, the photographer, had another reason to frame it and keep it where she could see it daily. The mother of these 3 kids died recently, and the photographer draws strength from seeing this picture whenever she thinks parenting is a tough task.

Wasn’t that an overload of cuteness? We are still smiling from cheek to cheek.