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40 Nifty Ways To Use Wine For Everyday Household Problems


When consuming wine, many experts recommend restricting consumption to one to two glasses a day. Of course, you can use as much wine as you want when cleaning with it or doing one of the many tasks described in this article. Here are just some of the many ways you can use wine around the house.


1) Make Your Own Sangria

A great use for wine other than drinking it straight, is to make your own sangria. Mix sliced-up fruit with some wine in a bowl, and allow to sit overnight. You can even use white wine and fruit to make a delicious white sangria.


2) Reduce the Risk of a Stroke

Consuming alcohol in general and red wine in particular are said to help prevent stroke, especially in women. You should restrict consumption to only one or two glasses a day or you run the risk of developing a whole other set of problems, such as high blood pressure.

3) Stop Dandruff

Drinking a little wine each day can also help reduce dandruff. The ability of the wine to reduce inflammation and increase circulation plays a huge part in making this possible. In addition, drinking a small amount of red wine daily helps to strengthen your blood vessels.

4) Make Your Own Wine Soap

You can also make your own fragrant soap using wine and various ingredients. The antioxidants in the red wine are great for your skin. To make your own red wine soap, check out this tutorial on Soap Queen.


5) Fight Acne

The Alpha Hydroxy Acids, or AHAs, in wine work great when cleaning your skin and cleaning your pores. Not only does wine exfoliate the surface of your skin, removing dead skin cells, it also reduces skin inflammation and moisturizes it.


6) Dye Fabrics

This hack is great for those who love the color of red wine. Pour 2 gallons of red wine into a large pot, and heat to a boil. Reduce the heat, and allow the wine to simmer until reduced by one-third. Place the clothing you want to dye into the pot, and soak for 24 hours, agitating the mixture every 4 to 5 hours. Remove the clothing, wring it out, and hang it in a warm location to dry.


7) Help With Weight Loss

If you need a little kick start to help you with weight loss, try drinking a little wine. White and red wine have been shown to be effective in assisting with weight loss and can even slow weight gain in women during the initial stages of weight loss.


8) Make a Marinade

If you need to marinade some meat, make a mixture of red wine, olive oil, and spices. Pour this marinade over your steaks, fish, chicken, or pork to tenderize it ahead of cooking it. Here is a great red wine marinade recipe to use the next time you cook.


9) Make Vinegar

You can make your own vinegar using wine. If you let the wine to sit out exposed to the air for a few weeks, it should turn into vinegar. For more on how to make your own red wine vinegar, check out this New York Times article.


10) Use to Tone Skin

You can use red wine to help tone your skin. To use this remedy, soak cotton balls in red wine and apply it to your face. Massage the wine into your skin before rinsing your face. Alternatively, you can pour wine into a spray bottle and spritz your face.


11) Reduce Inflammation

Wine also contains substances, called flavonoids, which can help reduce inflammation. To get the benefit of the flavonoids in wine when you get banged up or for arthritis, apply a little red wine to the bruised or swollen area using a clean cloth.


12) Remove Grease Stains From Concrete

Another great use for white wine is in removing grease stains from concrete. Simply pour white wine over the top of a grease stain in your garage or driveway and allow it to sit before rinsing it off. The alcohol content and acidity of the wine should absorb the hard-to-remove grease.


13) Increase HDL Cholesterol Levels

Wine has also been shown to increase the levels of HDL cholesterol (the good kind) in the body. HDL cholesterol is crucial in the removal of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) from the blood stream, reducing the chances of a heart attack.


14) Use as a Hair Dye

If you need to refresh the color of your dark or brunette hair, and your next hair appointment isn’t for a while, use wine and cocoa as a temporary solution. Mix wine with cocoa, and apply it to your hair. Make sure not to get the mixture on your skin, as it will stain it. Allow the mixture to remain on your hair for 15 minutes before rinsing it out.


15) Soften Chocolate Cake

Red wine can help you make the perfect chocolate cake. In fact, adding red wine to your cake recipe can give you a much softer and creamier cake. For a great red wine chocolate cake recipe, visit Wine and Glue.


16) Reduce Heart Disease Risk

The antioxidants in wine can also help prevent heart disease. Keep in mind that too much alcohol can be harmful to your body, so restrict yourself to one to two glasses a day at most. While experts say that any type of wine works, the resveratrol in red wine is especially helpful.


17) Reduce the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

If you are a male, you can reduce your chances of developing Type 2 diabetes by consuming red wine on a daily basis. When consuming wine for this purpose, do not drink more than one to two glasses of wine each day. Also, you should also eat a balanced diet.


18) Use to Clean

If you have non-porous countertops, use a little white wine when cleaning up. Simply pour a little white wine onto a clean cloth and then wipe down your counters. The alcohol in the wine should help remove any stains and disinfect the area.


19) Freeze It

You can also freeze leftover wine by pouring it into an ice cube tray and placing it in the freezer. Then, when you need some wine for cooking, making a marinade, or for a holiday punch, you’ll have it on hand.


20) Make a Wine Footbath

For soft feet, soak them in white wine, Listerine mouthwash, and warm water. Mix all three ingredients in a small tub, and soak your feet for 10 to 60 minutes. Finally, pumice and moisturize your feet. For more on this white wine remedy, check out Beauty & the Boutique.com.


21) Make Quinoa

You can use wine in making a savory quinoa for use with your recipes. A simple way of making quinoa using red wine is to mix white wine with some chicken broth and a little Worcestershire sauce. You can find a great olive oil, wine, and mushroom quinoa at A Sweet Life.


22) Remove Lime Scale

White wine works great when used to remove lime scale from faucets and other areas. For using white wine for this purpose, either use it in a spray bottle, or soak the area with a paper towel soaked in white wine. Tape the paper towel over the lime scale using a piece of plastic wrap, allowing it to sit for 60 minutes before removing.


23) Improve Memory

Studies show that drinking moderate amounts of red wine can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. As a matter of fact, those who drink red wine tend to perform better when taking tests to determine their cognitive performance. This is due to the antioxidants found in red wine.


24) Make Into a Watercolor Paint

You can make a watercolor paint with wine by boiling it on your stove. Heat the wine for 10 to 12 minutes, and allow it to cool. Then, place the reduced wine into a container for use the next time you paint. Make sure to seal the paint when you are done by using a matte spray.


25) Helps With Sleep

Another area where drinking wine can help is in getting more sound sleep. Drinking a little before bed helps you to sleep more soundly, which is mainly due to the chemical melatonin. Some experts recommend against this, saying that alcohol actually interferes with REM sleep.


26) Use in the Garden

Wine is great for use in the garden. The acidic nature of wine can act as fertilizer for your plants. When using wine to fertilize your plants, make sure not to overdo it. The wine does not replace a regular watering cycle.


27) Reduce Wrinkles

Drinking wine can help reduce wrinkles. Wine contains polyphenols that help to protect the skin against UV light. In addition, these same polyphenols help the skin maintain its elasticity and strengthens the formation of collagen cross-links, which reduces wrinkles.


28) Treat Osteoporosis

The resveratrol in wine can help sufferers of osteoporosis. It does this by stimulating the cells that oversee bone growth in the body, making them stronger and denser. To get this benefit, you should drink no more than one to two glasses of wine each day.


29) Preserve Fruit

Wine also helps preserve fruit. The acidic alcohol content of wine acts as a preserving agent. To preserve fresh fruit, soak it in a jar filled with wine. This should help preserve the fruit in its prime condition.


30) Remove Stains

If you spill red wine and it leaves a stain, simply pour a little white wine over the area. The white wine should absorb the color of the red wine, allowing you to easily remove both by dabbing with a clean cloth, while not leaving a stain behind.


31) Make Your Own Wine Body Scrub

You can also use wine to make a great exfoliating wine body scrub. Simply mix your wine with an exfoliating agent, such as sugar, and some honey. Place this mixture into a jar, and put it in your shower for use. For a perfect red wine body scrub, check out Epicure & Culture.

32) Improve Your Compost

A great use for leftover red wine is in your compost bin. The yeast in the beverage helps to activate the bacteria in the compost, allowing it to more easily break down the items in your compost bin. In addition, the nitrogen in wine helps to break down carbon-based materials, such as wood.


33) Cook Pasta

Wine makes the perfect substitute for water when cooking pasta. Wines, such as a red wine, actually stain the pasta to match its red color. For more on how to make this delicious dish, check out this red wine pasta dish on Doctor Oz.

34) DIY Facial

Wine is also great for use in facial scrubs for healthier, more youthful looking skin. Simply mix a little red wine with one egg white, some honey, and some sugar. Apply the mixture to your face, massaging gently, and allow it to sit for 10 minutes before washing it off.


35) Clean Glass

You can use a little white wine to clean your glasses, especially your wine glasses when you are finished with them. The white wine makes short work of any spots on your glasses. Just make sure to use hot water and soap to clean the glasses afterwards.


36) Anti-Aging Bath

The powerful antioxidants in wine are said to help fight the aging process. To make an anti-aging bath, pour one glass of wine into your bath water and soak for 30 minutes. Do this one to two times a week.


37) Help Your Hair

If you want silky and shiny hair, make sure to include wine as part of your regular hair-washing routine. After shampooing and conditioning your hair, follow up with a final rinse using red wine. Various antioxidants found in the wine promote hair growth and help protect against damage.


38) Make a Fruit Fly Trap

You can also make a fruit fly trap using red wine. Pour some red wine in a small bowl or glass, place it in an area with fruit flies, and add a drop of dish soap. The smell of the wine should attract the fruit flies, and the soap makes it so the flies sink and drown in the wine.


39) Add Some Flavor to Sparkling Water

Another great use for wine is to give your sparkling water a little flavor. Simply add a little splash of wine to your bottle of sparkling water. Check out Good.Food.Stories to find out how to make your own red wine spritzer.


40) Clean Fruit

The resveratrol and alcohol in red wine also makes it great for killing off bacteria, including salmonella and E. coli. Pour the wine over your fruit after you’ve rinsed it off with water, and dry it with a clean towel before eating.