Categories: DIYListicle

33 Hacks That Will Make You Better And Faster At Cleaning

It’s easy to feel you’re fighting a losing battle when it comes to cleaning your house. There are so many different kinds of surfaces to keep clean, and they all attract different kinds of messes. But when I’m faced with a tough mess to clean, I just can’t rest until I’ve figured out how to do it!


Here are 33 of my best home cleaning hacks.

1. Use lemons to sanitize your garbage disposal.

Make frozen vinegar cubes with small chunks of lemon to clean and sanitize your garbage disposal. It will work better and smell better too!

2. Use baking soda and vinegar to unclog your sink.

You can use this old science fair standby to fix a sink that’s draining slowly.


3. Clean the inside of your dishwasher.

Your dishwasher need to be cleaned too! Learn a simple method that will remove all of the gunk and residue that’s lurking on the inside of your dishwasher.

4. Use borax to clean (almost) anything.

Borax is one of the most useful cleaning supplies you can keep on hand. Check out the link below to learn about all the ways you can use it around your house!


5. Make your own cleaning solution for carpet cleaners.

This cleaning solution is just as effective as the store-bought kinds, but it’s WAY cheaper to make.

6. Deodorize your garbage can.

Don’t settle for a smelly garbage can. Eliminate those odors with some homemade deodorizing disks!


7. Deep-clean your combs and hairbrushes.

When was the last time you cleaned your hairbrush? In just a few minutes, you can remove all that hair, dead skin, and product buildup from your brushes and combs!

8. Clean and sanitize your cutting board.

It’s important to keep your cutting board clean and sanitary, no matter what it’s made of!


9. Get that weird smell out of your bath towels.

Residues from fabric softeners can affect the smell and absorbency of your bath towels. Get your towels back in tip-top shape with this easy cleaning tip.

10. Use a fuzzy sock as a Swiffer pad.

If you don’t want to buy those pricey pad refills for your Swiffer, you can use a fuzzy sock instead! Just pull the sock onto your Swiffer and sweep away!


11. Get the crusty gunk off your oven racks.

The secret to getting that crusted-on gunk off your oven racks? Use a few dryer sheets! (Give it a try—it really works!)

12. Clean the inside of your oven (the easy way).

You don’t need to resort to hours of scrubbing in order to clean the inside of your oven. Check out the link below to learn a simpler way to get it done!


13. Use a trivet to wash your makeup brushes.

Dirty makeup brushes are unhygienic, and they don’t work as well as clean brushes either! Using a silicone trivet makes it easy to get your brushes squeaky clean.

14. Steam away tough carpet stains.

You can use a bit of ammonia and your clothes iron to remove your toughest carpet stains. I’ve used this method to remove stubborn carpets stains that had been there for months!


15. Clean your stove burner pans without scrubbing.

Here’s another scrub-free cleaning tip for burnt-on messes on the pans that rest under your stove burners.

16. Use simple ingredients to clean your glass stovetop.

Learn how to steam clean and scrub your glass cooktop to sparkling clean perfection.


17. Remove limescale and hard water from your shower head.

A quick soak in vinegar with make quick work of soap scum and mineral buildup on your shower head.

18. Make your microfiber couch look brand new.

Regular wear and tear on your microfiber chairs and sofas can make them look dingy. But a little rubbing alcohol and scrub brush can help you make them look as nice as the day you bought them!


19. Clean grimy kitchen cabinets with two ingredients.

Ever noticed that layer of greasy gunk that tends to build up on your kitchen cabinets? I found an easy way to remove it, and you only need two common cleaning ingredients!

20. Clean the plates on your flat iron.

Learn how to scrub away the crusty gunk that builds up on the plates of your flat iron.


21. Use this secret plumbers’ trick to unclog a toilet.

This 3-step process can be a real life saver in the face of an unexpected toilet crisis. Learn it now so you can use it later!

22. Steam clean your microwave.

When it comes to cleaning your microwave, why not let your microwave do most of the work?


23. Use a stock pot to clean the filter in your range hood.

Your range hood can’t do its job if the filter is clogged with grease and grime. Learn how to clean your filter by boiling it!

24. Use this simple trick to clean your ceiling fans.

If you have an old pillowcase on hand, you can clean all your ceiling fan blades with ease! It’s quick, plus you won’t have dust flying around when you’re done.


25. The quick and easy way to keep your shower clean.

Keep a scrub brush in your shower that’s full of my favorite homemade shower cleaning solution. Give your shower door or walls a scrub each time you shower to keep it clean throughout the week.

26. Use a rubber glove to clean up pet hair.

Put on a rubber glove and drag it across cloth surfaces to pick up cat and dog hair easily.


27. Remove burnt, stuck-on foods from your pots and pans.

Follow the link below to learn 10 different ways to remove burnt food from your pots and pans.

28. Find the smartest way to clean your window blinds.

The best way to clean your blinds depends largely on what kind of blinds you have. Check out the link below to see my best cleaning tips for several common types of window blinds.


29. Remove candle wax drips from your carpet.

Yes, it IS possible to remove candle wax from your carpets! Learn how at the link below.

30. Use Drano to scrub away stains on concrete.

Leaky exhausts and transmissions in older cars can create unsightly stains on the concrete in your driveway and garage. But this household drain cleaner can help you scrub those stains away in a jiffy!


31. Clean and freshen your mattress.

All of the dead skin and sweat we leave behind on our mattresses can add up over time. Give your mattress a new lease on life using baking soda and natural essential oils!

32. Erase scratches on your dishes.

My white dishes start to look pretty beat up after a while because of all the knife and fork scratches. But a good scrub with a little Barkeeper’s Friend makes them look brand new!


33. Make cookie sheets look like new.

It may seem like that brown residue on your cookie sheets is impossible to remove, but it isn’t! Check out the link below to learn the easy, 2-ingredient method that will make your cookie sheets look as good as the day you brought them home.