Let’s face it, everyone likes order, some of us more than others, but for even the most relaxed amongst us these photographs will irritate you to the point of a meltdown.
Imperfections in symmetry and people not playing by the rules results in these dreadful photos. Brace yourselves…
1. Oh god, why!?
2. Why would anyone do this?
3. The person responsible for this is a monster.
4. Be thankful this is not in your home.
5. Puppies, how could you!?
6. Must… resist.. urge to rotate!
7. That’s it. Never shopping here again!
8. There’s always one.
9. “My wife is a monster.”
10. Note to self… never hire the gardener that did this.
11. Because some people just want to watch the world burn.
12. This is terrible.
13. Pretty sure this was done on purpose!
15. This is mildly infuriating.
16. If you do this, you are a terrible human.
17. How do you mess up this bad?
18. So close… yet so far.
19. How does anyone do this, step back and then think “yeah, I did good.”
20. Someone is messing with everyone else.
21. Yet another flooring disaster.
22. Must have been done on purpose.
23. Not sure how much more of this I can take.
24. This is a real game changer.
25. We will end this here.
26. Whatever lunatic decided to hate all of us with these tiles.
27. This sick toilet fiend.

28. This psychopath who wants to burn your childhood to the ground.
30. The nihilist who put the signs on these doors.
31. This monster preparing a bowl of hate.
32. You can hear the guy at the factory laughing maniacally.
33. This madman who despises health care.
34. This driver who doesn’t believe in lines.
35. This person who loves chaos.
36. This person clearly hates all video games.
37. This angry pizza chef.
38. This evil mastermind plotting his next Ikea puzzle.
39. This lover of fruit cookie chaos.
40. This terrifying pyromaniac.
41. This cookie monster who defies logic.
42. This hideous city worker who hates geometry.
43. Whoever did this is probably sleeping in the dog house.
44. This architect angry at the world.
45. This electronics existentialist using sugar in all the wrong ways.
46. This dastardly confection obviously made by a dentist.
47. This anarchist construction worker who hates squares.
48. The person who did this redefines weapon of mass destruction.