Many Websites tout different hacks as the greatest ever, but which hacks actually rise above the rest and truly are some of the best around? For one, they need to be innovative and make life easier. They also should be simple to implement, because too much complexity could make the hack hard to accomplish.
Well, we’ve assembled some of the greatest life hacks. Some of these hacks have been in use for a while and might seem familiar, while others might be brand new to you, leaving you wondering how you haven’t heard of them before now. Regardless of whether you have heard of them before, you can start using these hacks immediately to save time and money.
Whether you need help in filling a bucket from a bathroom or kitchen sink, seek a way to make mess-free pancakes, or simply want a hassle-free way to clean your computer keyboard, these hacks are amazing. You can use these hacks to improve different tasks in your life or make them a whole lot easier.
1) Blister Pack Opening Hack
Items that come in blister packs can be hard to open, and once you do get them open, the often sharp edges can cut you like a knife. Avoid all this by using a hand-operated can opener instead. The can opener easily cuts through the plastic of the blister pack, leaving a nice, clean edge.
2) Soda Tab Straw Hack
This simple hack is not very obvious at first glance. Instead of removing the tab of your soda can, turn it around so that it is over the opening of the can and insert a straw. The tab should hold the straw in place, making it easier for you to drink from the can.
3) Bobby Pin Storage Hack
If you have any empty Tic Tac containers, give this hack a try. The container easily holds bobby pins and dispenses them is easy. Simply open the top and retrieve the bobby pins you need. When finished, close the top and throw the container in your bag.
4) Kitchen Pot Hanging Hack
If space is at a premium in your kitchen, then give this hack a try. Place a pegboard on the wall of your kitchen space, and hang your pots and pans from the pegs on the board.
5) Ice Coffee Hack
If you like to drink ice coffee but hate the way your ice seems to water your coffee down as it melts, then try this hack. Pour some coffee into an ice tray, and place it in the freezer. The next time you make your ice coffee, you can use the frozen coffee ice cubes.
6) Garage Storage Hack
This hack allows you to easily store items in your garage up out of the way. All you need are some wooden I-beams and some sturdy storage containers with a lip around the edge. Install the I-beams so that they are wide enough to fit the containers, and slide the lipped containers into the I-beams to store them away.
7) Snack Dispenser Hack
Save those old coffee creamer containers and turn them into easy-to-manage snack containers for your kids. Tear off the outer wrapper and place your favorite snacks inside. Not only do they make dispensing snacks a breeze, they are easy to store at home or on the go.
8) Toothpaste Stain Removal Hack
The titanium dioxide powder found in some toothpastes can leave behind hard-to-remove stains. The easiest way to remove these stains is to mix some detergent or stain remover with water and blot the stain with the mixture using a clean cloth.
9) Grocery Bag Hack
If you prefer to haul all of your groceries in at one time, then this hack is perfect for you. Hook all of your grocery bags to a carabiner, and use it as a handle to carry your groceries indoors. This works great if you must go up steps or have to carry your groceries a long distance.
10) Liquid Pouring Hack
If you have a bottle of vegetable oil, rubbing alcohol, or other substance, then this hack can help you cut down on the amount coming out of the opening. Instead of removing the foil covering the top of the bottle, poke holes in it with a fork. This allows you to pour out what is inside without too much rushing out at one time.
11) Paper Clip Tape End Marker Hack
This hack makes it easier to find the end of that roll of tape you are using. When you are finished using the roll of tape, slide a small paper clip over the end of the tape. Then, when you need to use it again, you can easily find the end without having to search for it.
12) Door Rubber Band Hack
This hack makes it easier to keep a door from latching closed. This is especially useful if you need to close the door and still open it with no difficulty, such as when bringing in a load of groceries or moving furniture. Slip the end of a rubber band over the front door knob and extend it around to the rear doorknob, making sure to give it a twist so that it rests across the latch. This should keep the door from closing completely.
13) Sliding Glass Door Lock Hack
This hack allows you to easily determine if a sliding glass door is locked. Paint the bottom of the lock on the sliding glass door a color that contrasts with the surrounding door. That way, you can just glance at it to make sure the door is locked without having to walk all the way across the room.
14) Aloe Vera Ice Cubes
This hack comes in handy when you spend too much time out in the hot summer sun and get a sunburn. Pour some aloe vera in an ice tray, and then place it in the freezer. If you get a sunburn, use a frozen cube of aloe vera to soothe your sunburn.
15) Shower Cap Shoe Hack
This hack allows you to keep the clothes in your closet clean even if you have to place a pair of dirty shoes in with them. When you take your shoes off, wrap a shower cap around the bottom of them. This should keep the dirt contained and away from the rest of your clothes.
16) Eyeliner Spoon Hack
If you have trouble putting on your eyeliner, then try this hack. Place a spoon on the top of your eyelid when you put the eyeliner on. This should allow you to get a perfect line with your eyeliner every time.
17) Cereal Container Car Trash Can Hack
The easiest way to keep your car clean of trash is to place a cereal container, with a small trash bag inside, in your vehicle. This gives you a convenient place to dispose of soda cans, wrappers, and other garbage. Just make sure to empty the makeshift trash can whenever it gets full.
18) Pancakes Made Easy
An easy way to make no-mess pancakes is to place your pancake mix into an old condiment bottle. This allows you to squeeze just the amount you want into the pan. Make sure to clean the bottle out first to avoid ketchup-flavored pancakes.
19) Dental Floss Baking Cutting Hack
To get straight line cuts on your cakes, cinnamon rolls, and other baked goods, use unwaxed/unflavored dental floss. The floss should easily cut through your latest baking project easily without damaging any filling that might be inside.
20) Drink Tab Hanger Hack
If you only have a small closet to hang your clothes in, then you should consider using this hack. Save the tabs from your soda cans and place them over the neck of your clothes hangers. Now you can hang another clothes hangers from the tab, effectively doubling your closet space.
21) Garage Tennis Ball Hack
This hack can keep you from pulling forward too far in your garage and causing damage. Hang a tennis ball from the ceiling using a piece of twine. Position it so that it hits the front windshield of your car, letting you know when to stop when parking in your garage.
22) Easy Flip-Flop Fix
This hack works great as an emergency fix for a flip-flop whose toe strap has popped out. Place a tab that you find on a loaf of bread around the tip of the sandal strap on the bottom of your flip-flop. This should keep the strap in place until you can get a new pair.
23) Fast Drink Cooling Hack
This hack is great when you are trying to quickly cool off a bottle of your favorite beverage. Wet a paper towel and wrap it around the bottle. Place the bottle in the freezer, and leave it in there for about 15 minutes. When you remove the drink, it should be cold.
24) Tea Bag Sunburn Hack
If you have a sunburn, then use this hack for quick relief. Simply fill a pitcher with lukewarm water and soak a few tea bags until the water is black from the tea. Next, dip a clean cloth into the brewed tea and dab it onto the sunburn. Then allow it to dry. Reapply if necessary. Allow it to sit for a few hours before washing it off. Alternatively, you can apply the wet tea bag directly to the sunburned area.
25) Cell Phone Reminder
This isn’t so much a hack as it is a friendly reminder for anyone looking to buy or rent a new home. Before plopping down any money, make sure to check the cell service in your home. If it is spotty, consider buying or renting another home. Or switch your cell phone service to another carrier.
26) Cord Organization Hack
If you have a lot of cords you need to keep track of, then consider this easy cord storage hack. Simply insert toilet paper roll holders into a box big enough to hold several. Roll your cords up, and insert them into the inside of the toilet paper roll holders for a neat storage solution.
27) Drip-Free Ice Pack Hack
For a drip-free ice pack, place a sponge soaked in water into a small Ziploc bag. Place the bag in the freezer, and allow it to freeze. Then, when you need it, you can apply the ice pack to a burn or bruise. If needed, wrap the makeshift ice pack in a clean paper towel.
28) Remove Excess Paint With a Rubber Band
You can cut down on some of the mess of painting by using this awesome hack. Start by placing a large rubber band around the open can of paint you plan on using. Then, each time you dip your brush, gently wipe the bottom of the brush against the rubber band. This should help eliminate paint drips and make it easier to keep the rim of the paint can cleaner.
29) Drill-Powered Cleaning Hack
This hack allows you to power scrub your surfaces without having to use any elbow grease. Attach a small, round brush head to a machine screw, secure it in place using a bolt, and then attach it to a power drill.
30) Sweater Shaving Hack
Over time your sweaters can develop fuzzy balls that look unsightly. Instead of throwing them away, use this hack. Using a disposable razor, shave the fuzz balls off of the sweater surface.
31) Post-It Note Cleaning Hack
If you have a dirty computer keyboard, use this hack to get it clean. Rung the sticky part of a Post-It note in-between the computer keys should remove any dirt or debris. You can slo use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to clean more thoroughly between the keys.
32) Cord Labeling Hack
If you have a mess of cords behind your computer or TV, then this hack can help you keep them better organized. Stick the tab from a loaf of bread around the cord, making sure to label the tab with what the cord goes to with a black Sharpie marker.
33) Masking Tape Softening Trick
Most often, masking tape that has sat in a drawer for a long period of time becomes hard and is difficult to use. To make your masking tape softer and easier to manage, stick it in the microwave for a few seconds before using it.
34) Pen Spring Fray Protector
If you have any old pens, then you can use this hack to keep the end of your phone charger cords from fraying. Start by remove the spring from the pen. Then, twist the spring around the cord where it meets the part that plugs into your phone.
35) Wooden Spoon Boiling Water Hack
If you like to cook, then you know how annoying it is when your water overflows when boiling it. This simple hack should prevent that. Place a large, wooden spoon across the pot to keep your water from boiling over. The reason has a lot to do with science, but rest assured, it works.
36) Stuck Zipper Hack
This hack works great if you have a stuck zipper. All you need is a pencil. If your zipper gets stuck, rub the pencil lead over the zipper. The graphite in the lead should lubricate the zipper, making it easier to open and close. You might have to work the zipper back and forth a little to fully lubricate it.
37) Make Wine Ice Cubes
For an easy way to cook with wine, use this hack. Fill an ice cube tray with your favorite cooking wine, and place it in the freezer. Then, the next time you need some wine to cook with, pop out a few ice cubes and defrost them for the task.
38) Shoe Odor Removal Hack
Over time, your shoes can start to stink. Luckily, you can use this hack to get rid of any stinky odors. The next time you notice your shoes starting to stink, stuff newspaper in them. This should soak up any moisture in the shoes and help remove the offending odor.
39) Nifty Dust Pan Hack
If you need to fill a bucket with water but it won’t fit in the sink, use this hack. Place a dustpan under the faucet and place the handle so it hangs over the front edge of the sink. Place a bucket underneath where the handle is sticking out. The water should run out the end of the handle and into the bucket.
40) Chill Wine With Frozen Grapes
This hack helps you chill warm wine without having to resort to using ice cubes, which can water it down. Simply place some grapes in a Ziploc bag in the freezer. Then, when you need to chill your wine, place a few grapes in the glass. You can then remove the grapes from the wine once it is chilled.
Falling screws are especially frustrating when you’re on a ladder.
No more wrinkled shirts with simple life hacks.
Always know what side the exit will be on.
Strap a dollar store headlamp to an empty plastic jug for an instant portable lantern.
Stop people from stealing your favorite pens.
Waterproof canvas shoes with beeswax
A great trick when you run out of correction fluid.
Soft drink lids double as a convenient coaster.
Save space in your dresser and prevent wrinkles by rolling your clothes and storing them vertically side by side.
When you run out of AA batteries, use AAA batteries instead.
They both have the same voltage but won’t last as long as AA batteries. It’s a great way to continue using your device until you purchase more AA batteries. Just place rolled up pieces of foil to help them reach both contacts and you’re good to go!
Take-out containers can be used as a plate.
How to filter how junk mail and keep your sanity.
A great way to avoid Cheetos fingers. Practice your chopstick skills at the same time!
Dryer sheets are so expensive. I gotta try this!
A great way to make your luggage unique.
Make perfectly round eggs for your breakfast egg muffin sandwich.
Simply add a little water to a pan, place a slice of onion and crack an egg inside it. Perfectly round poached eggs for your breakfast egg muffin sandwich!
This is especially useful on packing tape!
Secure it to your wall correctly the first time with this handy tip.
I wish I knew simple life hacks like this one sooner because I have struggled with this so many times!
Instant ice cream sandwiches.
No mess.
Easily say goodbye to unpopped kernels.
The people around you will thank you.
Attach PVC pipes together and secure it to your leaf blower to easily clean your eavestroughs.
Taking out the garbage can leave a stinky leaky mess but not with this tip.
Use a colander to avoid a crumby bowl of cereal.
Never lose your gas cap again.