If you are a parent, you already know that kids have a very particular superpower: they are able to fall asleep anywhere at literally any moment. The funny part of this superpower is that most of them can really give you a hard time when they have to sleep at night in their comfortable bed.
These photos show 22 kids using their special skill at its best, aren’t they hilariously adorable?



23. She started napping halfway into the bike accident.
I hope she’s ok and not hurt.
24. Here, we have the napping yoga master.
You can catch him in a yoga pose 24/7.
25. Ikea shopping can be very tedious.
I understand this little girl’s struggle.
26. What? You’re telling me you’ve never fallen asleep in a pool before?
It’s actually quite relaxing, you should try it sometime.
27. How to properly nap at the airport.
If only I was able to sleep just like this kid.
28. Sometimes a rubber boot is the best alternative for a pillow.
It did the job for her.
29.Napping on the floor and underneath the sofa cushions.
The best place and way to nap if you don’t want to be bothered.
30. Sometimes showers are just so exhausting.
And you can’t help but to nap immediately after.
31. That’s talent right there, sleeping in a 90 degree angle.
She’s going to be a olympic gymnast one day.
32. If you can fit in it, why not?
She’s even got a blanket to keep her comfy.
33. Aww, looks like this one couldn’t make it past the stairs.
He must of had a long day.
34. This one is always camera ready.
Conscious or unconscious, he’s ready for his close up.
35. Just like a baby in a kangaroo’s pouch.
What a clever recreation.
36. Shopping with mom can be exhausting.
Don’t put your kid through it if they can’t handle it.
37. Poor kid should have gotten a proper amount of rest prior to this event.
How could you nap in front of the President?!
38. Well that certainly looks comfortable.
All babies who have a dog in their household should take advantage of this sleeping opportunity.
39. The best improvisation I’ve ever seen for a nap while shopping.
Very genius indeed, I wonder if it was the kid or parent’s idea.
41. Because when you need to sleep, you need to sleep!
No matter where you are.
42. This is how it starts.
This is where kids develop their “sleeping over the desk” form.
43. Sometimes concrete is the most comfortable material to sleep on top of.
This kid obviously has her street creds.
44. It appears Legos don’t hurt this kid.
He could quite possibly be immortal.
45. Think of it as a hammock.
Why sleep on a comfortable bed when you can sleep on a slightly less comfortable hammock?