You can go through life worrying about what your friends, colleagues and people in general for that matter think of you, or you can do as these people have chosen to do and take a more care free approach to life.
You’ll notice that quite a few of these people on the list are elderly which certainly isn’t by chance. As people get older they stop caring so much about what everyone else things and just get on with life instead. Perhaps we could all learn a thing or two from them? here are 22 people that really couldn’t care less if they tried.
This couple.
Spiderman at the nativity.

This little kid that showed up to a guys door, asked for a banana and then left.
After learning his flight was delayed, this guy decided to take a nap in his tent.

This subway vent guy.

This couple that are totally chill about their accident.

This lady at the gym.
This woman who couldn’t care less who she holds up.
This guy giving all the hipster out there a run for their money.
There’s always time for a quick game of Solitaire.
This guy who might just be having an issue with his shoes.
Just chilling.
This guy who’s taking full advantage of the unlimited refills.

This woman who just gave up and painted a tree instead.
This musician taking a nap.
This guy who decided to start making pancakes in class.
Some of the things you see in Florida…
This compelling list of things to be passionate about…
This highly vigilant security guard.
This old lady who doesn’t give a damn.
This guy.
Irish anarchist
Do not use blade to open
No diving
Yes, he’s a first-world anarchist too
The level of dedication for this type of anarchy is just inspiring.
Skittles don’t tell me what to do.
Guess what, I’m staying!
Do not flip
And now you taunt me?!
Some company employees took a stapler from the inventory to a world tour
Old school anarchist
I guess he’s right after all
Original anarchist
Don’t even think about touching the thermostat
Or do. I’m a sign, not a cop.
Bills Bills Bills…
Things I hate
Hugh Jackman, the Savage
The Independent gets it
He knew what he was doing
Stop taking selfies
UPS guy gives no ducks
Please do not waste toner
First-world anarchist dog
Are cookies against the law?
Starbucks anarchist
Stubborn anarchists
1920’s anarchists
This Amazon customer gets it
these people get it
I can get all the way to 10 if I also use my other hand
Stylish black man takes a sip from a “whites only” water fountain, 1960s.
This sign has only disdain for the system
Irish anarchist #2
Target gets it
This escalated quickly
Just out of control
Anarchy pigeon
I hate rubber boots
Rear-ending anarchists
My parents knew what was up at my wedding last night
Just too easy