As children going to the park would be one of the most exciting things we did, but these 22 adorable animals aren’t quite as enthusiastic about jumping on the slide, why? because they haven’t quite mastered it yet.
Sadly most adults are far too big to fit on a park slide, luckily though these little guys don’t have that problem meaning hey’ve got plenty of time to practice!.
“I’m guna make it!…. oh no.”
“Let me have a go!”
“Why did I agree to this!?”

No sliding here.
“I can do this!…. or not.”
I will not be defeated!
7. Cuteness overload! haha.
The face of regret.


It was all too much for this little guy.
“I’ll get there eventually.”
Too much excitement for this little guy.
He totally nailed that!
“OH MY GOD! ok play it cool.”
Is this how it’s done?
Unusual technique.
“Watch me slide human!”
Since this day just mentioning ‘slide’ strikes fear in this little guys heart.

“Hey, I did it!”

Don’t worry people, he’s totally got this. Just look at that pose!

How to make an entrance in style.

Nailed it!
“Quick, while they’re not looking!”
“My fluff cannot be contained.”
*dig dig dig* “Whoa, I can’t believe that worked!”
“Just gonna liquefy all my bones real quick.”
“I’M FREEee zzzz …”
Half chihuahua, half monkey
Doggo is overcoming the odds just to be the first to greet you.
“Heck the police!”
Escaping is easier with built-in grappling hooks.
Only a few witnessed the escape, but they still speak of it to this day.
“I got you, fam.”
Suck it in!
… now what?
“Hah! The humans have no idea that I’ve found the weak spot in this prison of theirs.”
“Of course I’ll come back for you, Frank. Quit asking me.”
“Holy smokes, guys — he’s doing it! He’s doing it!”
Foiled again.
“Come, my brothers! Let us leap to freedom!”
Mad skillz
“I don’t know where this goes, but it can’t be worse than here.”