Categories: DIYListicle

22 Amazing DIY Things You Can Make at Home

We at Smalljoys would like to offer you this list of 22 things, which we think will evoke joy and adoration in everyone who sees them. If you spend a little time, you can create them yourself, and in doing so you’ll be sure to cheer yourself up.

Trust us, your cute-ometers will be going off the scale when you see these!


Make your own cute little garden. Grow some herbs at home and smile as you watch it grow.

Take a cup, a marker, a cotton pad and some seeds…

Those who miss winter can like these tiny safety pin skates.

Use them as a decoration, or just as a small gift.


You can use any spare wool you have to make this super-cute hedgehog pin cushion.


You can make a cute top out of even the most simple pullover.


Create these exquisite cat shoes out of any old pair — and they’ll be purring with every step you take!


Get yourself into a celebratory mood by creating these party hat earrings and necklace.


You’ll love every sip you take from this bunny mug.

I can’t stop turning it over to have another look!


Get prepared for summer by creating this fun ice cream cone garland.


An original gift for your loved ones — a kissing flip book. More and more kisses appear as you turn the pages!


These nice cat plant pots can be made by simply using the bottom part of two-liter water bottles.


The cutest way possible of using stuff you’d normally throw in the trash.

Let me introduce your new best friend, Mr. Toast!



And he’s not even burnt!

A perfect mirror for a little child. You can create this one in just five minutes!


These cheerful warmers for your rubber boots will make you smile on a rainy day.


Wake up your inner artist by creating these strange faces.


All you need is a dozen wooden blocks, a marker, and your imagination.

You can store all the small things you’ve got lying around in this cute bunny bag.


Here’s another DIY bunny for your child. This one’s beautiful and practical!


These cute and stylish cats will save your thread…and they’re so utterly cute!


This one’s a real catch for stamp collectors. Each of them is hand-made, and they’re truly elaborate works of art!


If I received a letter with one of these, I’d keep it forever!

A concentration of cuteness: a kids’ Totoro costume.


My cute-ometer just broke.

Simple and funny tips

Take a tiny piece of clear tape and place it over the flashlight LED on the back of your phone. Color that tape blue. Repeat this step. Then repeat it again, but this time using the purple marker. Turn the flashlight on, now it’s black light!

Add a layer of washable glue before applying nail polish, so it comes off easier and faster!