These 21 pictures prove that the struggle is all to real. If you are ever feeling down then fear not, these people have had it much worse. Life in a nutshell.
This beautiful beach photo.
This juice disaster.
This elegant catch.
This coffee break.
This dogs situation.
This fast food order.
This catastrophe.
This firefighting attempt.
This iPhone predicament.
This kid.
This test.
This perfectly timed photo.
This guy.
This jump.
This clear message.
This girl.
This awkward conversation.
This toilet nightmare.
This dress.
Running late? at least you aren’t running from an angry hippo.
Definitely picked the wrong place to park.
Years of dedication and training, and he falls at the last hurdle.
Imagine needing to get in your car and returning to find this…. nope.
A simple wheel change turns into a disaster.
How unlucky.
Now this is going to be hard to put right.
Frustrated because you’ve got cleaning to do? at least this hasn’t happened.
This guys work day just got a lot longer.
Well at least the red will match her coat.
Not even sure how this happened, but good luck getting out of it.
At least the backseat of your car doesn’t look like this.
This is a massive NOPE.
You can tell he’s just given up.
Getting your head stuck in a bus door… must suck really bad.
That’s gotta hurt.
Good luck cleaning that up!
Pool party anyone?