Categories: ListiclePARENTS

21 Inspirational Parents Who Accomplished Big Things AFTER Having Kids

“Life only stops if you think it will. Mine is just starting.”


We recently asked members of the Smalljoys to tell us the impressive things they’ve accomplished in life AFTER having kids. Here are their seriously inspiring responses:

1. “I became a parent at 20, and while I’ve done a lot in the last 12 years, the thing I wanted most, and thought for a long time would be impossible, was to run for office. This year, I’m running for Minnesota State Representative.”


“My kids are supportive, my platform is more informed as a parent than it would have been alone, and I’m loving the experience to inspire more women and moms to do their big dream, too!”

2. “I’ve been playing the bagpipes for nine years but it was only after I had my son that I decided to get serious about it and start competing. My first year competing I brought home two first-place ribbons and a third-place one.”


3. “I began my heath journey the night my daughter was born. I wanted I be the healthiest/happiest/strongest version of myself for her. My one year fit-versary is her first birthday (September 14th), and I’m down 77 pounds! I still have a way to go, but I’m proud of where I’ve gotten to!”


4. “I went back to college, graduated magna cum laude, then earned my master’s degree. I did all of this while being a single mother. You can still do anything you want in this life after you have kids, it just takes more planning.”


5. “I got completely sober and actually turned my life around after my daughter was born. I ended up running a restaurant and buying my own home, and I probably wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t become a dad first.”


6. “I was a young, single mom and had to move back in with my parents. I saved money and bought a ‘fixer upper’ house, then spent every free moment I had gutting and redoing the entire home. We lived there for a year before I was able to sell it (for way more than I bought it) and now we live in an upscale development with that money!”


7. “I directed and acted in a Shakespeare play this summer, the same summer I had my first child! My husband directed a second play, showing on alternate nights to mine. He also acted in my play, as did our two-month-old son.”

“It was an amazing experience to get to do all that with my husband and baby, and my cast was so incredibly supportive of the whole venture. I can’t wait to see what else is in store for us!”


8. “I got my Commercial Driver’s License! My son was 2 years old and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without my great support system of my parents and husband. I love my job as a truck driver!”


9. “Me, after two kids…”


10. “I’ve mastered confidence. Actually saying how I feel — and how to say ‘no.’ I’ve always been somewhat of a pushover, but after I had my kids I realized that if I was going to stand up for them, I needed to start standing up for myself.”


11. “Pregnant at 15. Published a book at 28. Became an advocate for pregnant and parenting teens. Found my voice, my purpose, and my joy. Raised two raging feminists. Did things that scared me. Now they’re 24 and 16 and I’m 40 next week. Life only stops if you think it will. Mine is just starting.”


12. “Married as a senior in high school and graduated pregnant. After dealing with bouts of depression and anxiety from my baby having many health issues, I grew up alongside my child and have worked extremely hard to get accepted into nursing school. I’m going to become a pediatrician in the future.”

“As a teen mom who came from a family of abuse I just want to share my story with others so they know they control their future and can do anything they want with their own determination.”


13. “I moved my entire family halfway across the world to restart my academic career as an anthropologist.”


“I wanted to give my child an authentic opportunity to connect with his ancestral roots and become bilingual, while reminding myself and my husband that we really can be whatever we want in this life. You can’t begin to foster the dreams of your children if you give up on your own.”

14. “I’m going to submit this for my mom because she would never brag on herself. After almost 35 years with the same company, she was laid off and decided to go to college for the first time. This was after raising six children.”


“My mom, who is a very shy and somewhat easily intimidated person, at the age of 56 walked into a classroom full of twentysomethings and got her learn on. She started college not knowing what a syllabus was and graduated with a 4.8 GPA.”

15. “Single mom here. I quit smoking after doing so for 9 years.”


16. “I’m a married mom of two boys, and a standup comic. It isn’t easy, and I am by no means famous, but I get regular work, and even host and produce my own monthly showcase!”


17. “My husband graduated law school magna cum laude while working three part time jobs. Our first son was born DURING his first semester torts exam. You really can accomplish anything with kids. They just make it more fun.”


18. “I had my daughter pretty young, so most of my adulthood accomplishments happened as a parent! I quit drinking, overcame serious mental health issues, put myself through college and graduated with a 3.9 GPA, had my first book published, and lost over 50 pounds.”


“Being a mama requires some extra hustle to make it all happen, but my kids keep me going when I feel overwhelmed and want to give up.”

19. “I am so close to finishing my first novel. My kids have inspired me to pursue my passions again.”


20. “I left my abusive marriage and lived on my own for the first time in my life. I’ve worked horrible minimum wage jobs to support me and my kids, and I’ve recently registered for college courses to become an accountant. I’m nervous and excited!”


And lastly, there’s this one, which is one heck of an accomplishment in its own right:

21. “I kept everyone alive until bedtime.”