#1. They are brutally honest.
#2. They surprise us by repeating things they hear, like this..
#3. And this…
#4. They’re adorable when playing games such as hide and seek.

#5. And when tackling evil. Ouch!

#6. Eating with them makes life more interesting. :)

#7. They are thoughtful and compassionate.

#8. They remind us that life is really so simple.

#9. Children make us laugh.

#10. They learn to mimic expressions, even from the pets.

#11. They figure out how to get what they want.

#12. Children can be life savers.

#13. They make ordinary trips to the store an adventure.

#14. They are cute as can be when they are sleeping.

#15. And when they want, they can be very charming.

#16. Children don’t care about gender…

#17. …nor do they think we should.

#18. Kids can come up with the best nicknames.

#19. And they’re poetic.

#20. They know how to get their point across.

#21. There’s never a dull moment

#22. There’s always a surprise…

#23. Children are a wonderful gift. They give our lives more meaning.

The truth is that, for all the trials of parenting, kids are amazing.
And getting to watch them experience life is like nothing else.
I mean, look at how happy this dad is about his sweet son’s report card!

Kids will also crack you up — imagine if your kid made you this card for Father’s Day.

Or if your kid really, really loved potatoes (my kid looks at bologna this way).
OR if they made this for Earth Day!

Halloween is a LOT more fun with kids, too.
You get to do stuff like this!
This kid asked to go as a “fart” complete with a fart gun, lol.

Sometimes, they will really amaze you with their talent!
Like, this is A+ coloring.
These lyrics are pretty phenomenal.
And you have to admire this kid’s commitment to authenticity!
Kids can be pretty weird, too, which makes life hilariously interesting.

Weird? Yes. Awesome? YES!
You at the start of this post:

You now: