Summer is almost here and that means it’s about to get HOT. It’s the season we get to enjoy the sun and tan our bodies.
Unfortunately, not all of us have the luxury of dipping into a pool whenever we want in our backyard or apartment complex. For the rest of us, we usually have to resort to driving all the way out to the beach or hoping a friend with a pool will invite us over.
Fret no more because we’ve put together some DIY pools people have made below.
#1. Oh the things you can do with hay.
#2. If you’re small enough, all you need is a big bucket.
#3. Best idea ever.
#4. Don’t throw away that old tire!
#5. Who needs a pool when you have a pick up truck?

#6. This man wanted to swim his garage, so he made it possible.

#7. A new meaning to dumpster diving.
#8. Just don’t dive in.
#9. Waterproof sheet and chicken wire, who knew?

#10. You can tell a handy man made this.

#11. Sometimes all you need is a big old stock tank.
AKA a drinking fountain for cattle.
#12. How the heck did they do that?
#13. The key is to be creative and resourceful.

#14. It ain’t pretty but it gets the job done.

#15. One for each kid!
#16. Oh yeah, come by any time, my indoor pool will be ready.

#17. All chairs align!
#18. This family took it seriously and built a deck around a hot tub.

#19. A lovely example of how beautiful a DIY pool can be if executed well.

#20. And when worst comes to worst…
Bonus. Our gardens can be a magical place
Magical Garden Door
Make your garden look like another dimension with this magical garden door. Just prop up a door against your fence and make a creative doorway for it. Add some reflective paper behind the windows of the doors to make it look magical.
Swinging Chair Door
You can also turn some old doors into a sweet outdoor swing. This project even uses parts of a table so it’s completely upcycled.
Sitting Space Backdrop
If your patio or sitting space is looking a little bare trying giving it a backdrop. Placing two vintage doors together is the perfect way to create the backdrop. It really gives the space a unique feel.
Outdoor Message Board
You can turn an old door into a really cool outdoor message board with a coat of chalkboard paint. You can change up your inspirational messages each season. It’s a very simple project to do.
Cute Garden Gate
Many of us have fences in our yards to keep out unwanted critters. But most of them look pretty boring. Paint a door a funky color and incorporate it into your fence.
Hanging Planter Frame
I just love the look of this project. Take out the screen of a screened-in door. Hang the door by some hooks and place another hook in the center of the door frame so you can hang a potted plant from it.
Outdoor Door Table
Use an old door as a tabletop. This piece just adds some table legs to the door and a glass piece over the top of it.
Walled In Garden Walls
Turn your garden into a private space by creating some garden walls. Doors are the perfect way to create these walls. Then can be used as fencing or a wall.
Garden Tool Shed
Create a beautiful shed from old doors. This design uses four.
Outdoor Potting Bench
Doors can help you create a cute little station where you can tend to your plants. Just attach an old door to a table and add some shelves.
Unique Tall Planter
Doors can be turned into a beautiful planter. This door simply has a basket planter attached to it. It creates a really cool focal point in your garden.
Door Pergola
Doors make the perfect building materials for a pergola. These ones are brightly painted to create a bold accent in the garden. All you have to do is create some structure for the roof.
Outdoor Beverage Station
Having an outdoor beverage station making entertaining super easy. This one was made from a door and an old table.
Outdoor Bench Seat
Create a cozy place to sit with an old door. This design also has hooks to hang stuff from. It was created from a drawer that has the top chopped of it as well as a chair affixed to the back of it.
Herb Garden or Pot Holder
Cut out the windows or panels in an old door and hang pots from it. You can add flowers or even herbs to your pots. It creates a beautiful display for your potted plants.