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20 Hilarious ‘Dog Balloons’ That Floated Up To The Ceiling And Got Stuck

Dog pictures are a dime-a-dozen on the internet, so taking one that sticks out is no mean feat. Someone did however, and it has started a new trend, balloon dogs! Originally posted on the aww subreddit, the hilarious picture of what appears to be a shiba inu, floated up to the ceiling and getting stuck there, went viral and now everyone is getting on it!


We have collected a list of our favorites, for your viewing pleasure. Because who doesn’t the squish? Scroll down below to check them out for yourself, and don’t forget to vote for your faves!

#1 He loves floating! Hard to give belly rubs ‘up there’ though… heh, heh.


#2 LMAO!! He looks like he’s in the “Orbiter” at the fair. You know the ride, the one that spins so fast you stick to the wall and the backboard goes up the wall!

 #3 Look ma….I’m parachuting


#4 Superman

#5 Love child of Yoda and Dracula


#6 Such a very pretty cloud!!

 #7 Every dentist’s dream.


#8 How high am I? That’s it, no more licking things off the floor.

#9 So peaceful


#10 Fur fe dur

#11 This one really does look like doggo is on the ceiling.


#12 Help!! – get me down NOW!!

#13 Singing, floating dog!


#14 Who stuck this little soft-toy to the ceiling?? Love it!


#15 ARGH – sky-diving is scarier than I thought!!!


#16 This should be much higher up. Actually looks like he’s floating

#17 Derp


#18 Think she used L’Oreal or Pantene?

#19 Corner dog. What an acute baby!


#20 Upps…floated the wrong way up