Some dogs are graceful, dignified, and worthy of a “Best in Show” title. Mine…are not.
I mean, I love my pair of goofballs, but most of the time they belong on a list like this one. And it’s not just dogs, either. Cats can be derps too, and so can wild animals.
1. “I do not understand what you want from me, human.”
Some dogs love to to play catch or fetch things. Others don’t care either way. And the special few just can’t understand why their human keeps throwing things at them and laughing.
2. “I was chasing a light on the wall and suddenly I was transported to the Upside Down!”

My family had a cat once that didn’t just chase the bits of light reflected through the windows, but he would stare for hours waiting for them to reappear.
3. “Nothing to see here. Move along, human.”

Clearly, the human just needs more clothes to fill the closet. Then the hangers would be squashed too tightly to move as kitty traversed them.
So go on a shopping spree. For your cat’s sake.
4. “Your walls may be high, but I will lay siege upon them!”
Look at that adorable, fuzzy potato! So determined! This house doesn’t need to worry about closing doors or installing baby gates. The threshold does the job perfectly fine.
5. “It’s my evil twin! I must attack…ow!”
Thankfully, neither of my dogs have ever been confused by their own reflections. They have, however, barked in their sleep loud enough to scare themselves silly.
6. “Does this tire make me look fat?”

Judging by the look on the cow’s face, she has resigned herself to her fate. I can’t imagine it was much fun for her or her owner to get that off.
7. “Rawr! Take that, ball! Whoops!”
I feel a kinship with this pupper. I once accidentally stepped in the open filter by my family’s pool while not paying attention. Definitely glad it wasn’t face-first, though.
8. “What’s that over there…”
Cats were once considered graceful creatures with far more dignity than the simple doggo. All it took was a couple decades of the internet to cure us of that notion.
9. “I just need to jump the wall to get to the really good garbage…”
This Rocket Raccoon cosplayer forgot the part where the intergalactic trash panda is equipped with a jet pack and other flying aids.
10. “I want to be a Kung Fu Panda when I grow up!”

This pic was snapped at the perfect moment. Kudos to the handler who was clearly on the way to help before the little guy even hit the ground.
11. “I’m stuck…”

Now, my dogs have slipped and gotten a foot or a tail stuck between the couch cushions, but usually they don’t make it in far enough to need help getting out.
This doggo…what he has is talent.
12. “No fair! He has longer legs than mine!”
It’s incredible to see the difference an inch or two of leg can make in jumping height. It’s also hilarious to see the difference.
13. “O hai, humans! Bonk.”
This manatee was just coming in for a boop, but the glass was in the way. It’s okay, Mr. Manatee, we love you for the attempt.
14. “I can totally make this jump…”
Bunnies are known for their vertical hop, but not necessarily for their distance. Especially little bunbuns like this guy. I could watch him miss that jump all day.
15. “Wait, stop! Let me off this ride!”
That poor little guy is going to be so dizzy! And his buddy just doesn’t seem to care at all. Maybe it’s revenge for last time…
16. “If I sits, I fits…or not.”
The combination of a chubby kitty and a tall, skinny box made this embarrassment inevitable. And now, pretty kitty, the internet will watch your failure on a loop forever.
17. “Oh no, what do I do now?”

I wonder what this little guy was looking for before he got his head stuck. He looks like he’s just given up and accepted his situation.
18. “Omh noooo…help me! I’m going to fall to my peril!”

This has to be one of the most dramatic things I’ve ever seen. He is so upset, but literally nothing bad is going to happen if he just lets go.
19. “Totally worth it…”

Manatees are one of the most majestic and adorable creatures in the world, right? Well, adorable maybe, but this manatee wearing lettuce as a fashion accessory challenges the majestic.
20. SHARE these adorable derps with all your friends who could use a chuckle.

If you don’t then they’ve struggled for nothing, and we don’t want that, do we? No way.