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20 Adorable DIY Birdbath Ideas

Looking for a way to revamp your garden on a budget? Let us help you!

If you’re like most gardeners, you get a little restless once the planting is done and there is nothing left to do but watch.

One thing you can do to stay busy in the garden this summer and help out some birdies is set up a birdbath (or five).

Building birdbaths are a great way to get out there and add depth and diversity to your personal sanctuary, and the bird will thank you, too!


Below is a list of 20 of the most adorable and affordable DIY birdbaths that are super-easy to make, and will add that certain something your garden is needing in less than a day.

1. Alice In Wonderland-Themed Birdbath

For a birdbath full of color and character, incorporate this Alice-In-Wonderland-themed bath.

All you need is a long dowel (less than a buck at Home Depot), 4-5 terra cotta pots of different sizes, soil, flowers, and paint.

You can whip up this whimsical bird bath in less time than it would take to watch the movie, and it adds SO much interest to your little birdie-paradise!

2. Repurposed chip & dip tray

Yes, this super-cute birdbath is as easy to make as it looks.

Just take an old chip and dip tray (you probably have one hidden in the nether-regions of your kitchen cabinets) and epoxy it to a pedestal of your choosing.

If you don’t have any of these platters lying around, you can find them at the Dollar Store, so your project stays light on the wallet.

As an added bonus, these trays generally come in brilliant colors and varied patterns, so you’ll be sure to find one you love!


3. Create a leaf-shaped concrete birdbath


Trust us, this isn’t as intimidating as it looks.

With a few ingredients from your local Lowe’s or Home Depot, you can mold and shape this birdbath in less than one day.

You can get everything you need for less than $20, but you will have to find a large leaf that you like on your own.

4. Straight-up clay pot birdbath


Simplicity can often equate to beauty, especially in the garden-scape.

If you are looking for a fast, fun and simple project, check out this clay pot birdbath tutorial.

You only need 3 different sized pots and a clay saucer to complete this project, and you can paint any decoration your heart desires.

5. Quick, simple and free birdbath


For the ultra-low-budget birdbath project, give this one a try.

Simply find 3 large sticks from your yard or your next hike and cut them at the ends to make sure they are roughly the same length.

Then just find an old large dish to use as a water basin and glue it to the ends of the sticks. If you aren’t a fan of the color of your basin, paint or decorate before adhering to the legs.

6. Make it a mosaic birdbath


Making a mosaic birdbath is a labor of love. It’s not difficult at all, but it can be a bit time-consuming.

On the other hand, beauty does generally take a bit of time. You will thank yourself for making the sacrifice though, once you get to see your unique mosaic birdbath in action.

Many birds will be attracted to the bright tiles in your basin, and since you are making it, you can choose any design you like!

7. Upcycle your glass pot-cover into swinging birdbath


Think about most of the bird-feeders you see. They’re up in the trees, right?

There is nothing in life that dictates your birdbath should be grounded. Birds like movement and love to be out of reach.

To give a more natural vibe, consider using jute, twine, or hemp cord to make a hanging birdbath.

8. Repurpose vases and dishes into glass birdbaths with a twist

Again, you most likely have everything you need for this project sitting in the house somewhere. If not, hit up the local thrift or Dollar store to find a couple vases and glass dishes.

To really up your game, stuff some twisted burlap or sand and seashells into the glass vases before adhering to the dishes.

This can take less than 10 minutes and will add a unique touch to your garden.


9. Upcycle a lamp-stand into a birdbath

If you don’t want to use your pretty vases as pedestals for your birdbath, try upcycling an old lamp stand.

With a touch of spray paint and a large, shallow bowl or dish, you can add the perfect height to your birdbath without sacrificing your prized glassware.

Upcycling a lamp-stand will also give you a HUGE variety of styles to go with, so let your creativity run away with itself!


10. Repurpose an oil pan into a thriving birdbath sanctuary

If you want to watch several birds bathe and play in your birdbath at one time, try using a large oil pan.

They can be purchased on the cheap (less than $5), and are just the right depth for your feathered friends to hang out in.

Using cheap PVC pipe and elbow joint, with the aid of a plastic tub and small water pump, you can create this miniature pond for your birds to enjoy all summer.


11. DIY pebble and gem-stone birdbath

Can it get any easier?! With just a few clay pots, each one size smaller than the next, and a clay saucer, you can have the structure of this birdbath done within a few short minutes.

You will want to paint the pots before gluing together. Once the paint is dry and the pots are stacked, simply glue down your pebbles and gems in whatever arrangement suits your fancy.


12. Repurpose an old chair into a charming birdbath stand

Instead of throwing out an old chair, turn it into an oasis for the birdies in your life.

As you can see, this requires nothing more than you to remove the seat of the chair and attach a large garden pot saucer to the frame of the chair.

You can really make this project shine with the addition of some spray paint and stone or succulent decor, or just leave as is for an old rustic feel.


13. Convert a beautiful serving bowl into a birdbath

If you notice your gorgeous yet underused serving bowls are collecting dust, consider repurposing them into something the birds can enjoy.

Use an old table or chair leg, or anything that could be used as a stand, and drill a flat piece of wood to the top of the stand.

Then, you can attach your basin with glue or epoxy and decorate however you like.

The clever folks at Home Jelly used a small piece of driftwood as a nice little perch for the birds, for extra detail and usability.


14. Stack stones to create a natural elevated birdbath

To give your birdbath a more natural vibe, try stacking large, flat-ish stones one on top of the other.

Once you’ve got your stone-stack looking like something right out of a fairytale, adhere an old aluminum trash can lid to the top of the stack.

The metal of the lid will blend effortlessly with the various shades of gray in the stones, allowing your birdbath to become part of the garden backdrop.


15. Tea-time birdbath


Invite the birds to join in on the fun of tea-time with this darling tea-pot turned birdbath project.

With a little glue and possibly some paint, you can turn your old mugs and teapot into a garden centerpiece for your winged visitors.

16. Capture precious memories in a hand-print birdbath


Have fun with the kids and grandkids with this hand-printed birdbath.

Just glue two pots of the same size together, rim-to-rim, then glue one more pot of the same size to each side, end-to-end, and paint the whole stand.

As you let that dry, paint the 2 saucers you’ll use for the tiered basins and put your hand-prints on the large one. Paint the last pot which should be one or two sizes smaller than the others.

Once everything’s dry, glue the larger of the saucers to the top end of your pedestal, and the small pot rim-side down onto that. Then simply add the smallest saucer to the top.

Voila! You’ve just made priceless memories and a birdbath in one fell swoop!

17. Fashion a birdbath out of an old sink


For an additional dose of whimsy, repurpose an old sink into a quaint little birdbath.

The largest challenge here is finding a suitable pedestal. You want one that will both support the weight of the sink, and that won’t stick out like a sore thumb.

A large tree stump, for instance, can add to the charm of the sink, or tall plants to conceal the pedestal altogether as in the picture above.

18. Turn a tomato cage into a birdbath

For a 10 second project, insert the legs of a tomato cage wherever you would like your birdbath to go. Then just put a large dish on top of the cage, nestled right into the rim, and fill with cool, clean water.

You can turn this into a lengthier and much more beautiful birdbath by planting vining plants like Black-eyed Susan or Sweet Pea next to the legs of the tomato cage.

These plants will climb their way up the cage and slowly cover each of the wires, so your birdbath will appear as though it is floating in a sea of greenery and delicate flowers.


19. Repurpose ornate glassware into a gorgeous birdbath

Instead of letting all of that beautiful glassware, such as vases and old dishes, sit in the cupboards, give it new life by transforming it into a beautiful birdbath!

Just spend some time playing with the assembly to get the right look for your garden space, and then glue together!

It takes hardly any time at all and it makes for a gorgeous, glistening birdie paradise!


20. Birdbath nestled in a grapevine wreath

For a particularly delicate and natural looking birdbath, try your hand at making one out of a grapevine wreath.

The assembly is as uncomplicated as the design. Either make or buy a twig wreath and wrap in artificial grapevine (Dollar store finds) around and through the wreath.

Nest a clay planting-pot saucer into the wreath so it’s a snug fit. Use a natural cord like jute or hemp to hang from a tree.

Your little chirping friends will feel like they blend right in!