Did you know that “cuteness” is a defense mechanism? There is a reason why we want to hug, squeeze, and care for all baby creatures. It’s because they are irresistibly cute. Cuteness, in fact, is an evolutionary mechanism to ensure survival. Babies need to be fed, protected and taught basic survival instinct in order to survive. Their chubby cheeks, big eyes, and round bodies contribute to ‘cuteness’ which basically hijacks our brains and “trigger our caregiving behaviors, which is vital because infants (and baby animals) need our constant attention to survive and thrive,” states Oxford University researchers.
You can thank us later for this stress-relieving scroll of happiness.
#1 This baby hippo is the epitome of cuteness.
#2 According to National Geographic Kids, baby pandas are born blind, pink, and are about the size of a pencil.
#3 What a happy (or sleepy) baby seal!
#4 What’s quackin’ little fella?
#5 If this baby otter doesn’t warm your heart, we’re not sure much else will.
#6 Check out this long-legged cutie with its perfect set of lashes.
#7 This curious baby black panther wants to say hello!
#8 It’s so round! A baby platypus is now on my Christmas wish list.
#9 This little piggy is as cute as can be!
#10 A baby buffalo frolicking off to see the world.
#11 This baby polar bear is the leader of all arctic playgrounds.
#12 Check out this baby cow model with its cute button nose and luscious brown fur.
#13 Who knew a baby skunk could be this cute?
#14 This baby albino spider with its round animated eyes is quite adorable.
#15 What a mischievous little grin you have there!
#16 Cuddling a baby wombat is the ultimate dream.
#17 Happiness is this baby kitten curled up for a nap.
#18 This round-bottom baby koala is soaking up the world from its branch.
#19 We can’t get enough of baby hippos!
Sleepy rabbit
The cutest baby cow ever
Awesome baby deer
Have you ever seen a newborn sloth?
“My mom found a baby owl on the porch.”
Happy baby panda
“Found a baby hawk at work today.”
“Just adopted this little guy.”
Curious seal
Baby ocelot
Tiny rabbit
Adorable dachshund
“This baby koala was discovered yesterday morning after it crawled to a nearby house and found a golden retriever to cling to keep warm.”
First snow
Tiny soft paws
Cute fluff
He doesn’t look like a dangerous animal!
“I found this panda in the zoo and fell in love.”
“I did a newborn photoshoot for my little rescue squirrel.”
I’m the night, I’m the fear, I’m awww.
Baby hawk
Blond fur seal
Angry doggo
Baby possum
Baby alpacas
2-month-old toucan
Porcelain hedgehogs
Baby bison
“We rescued a baby tlacuache today.”
Fur squad