Children’s inventive ways are boundless: they can turn an aquarium into a swimming pool, replace chicken nuggets with plastic chickens, and do other incredibly funny things.
Smalljoys has decided to take a look at some pictures shared by Internet users. These small geniuses are nothing short of charming!
“My friend’s sister is weird. I won’t come over anymore.”
This girl knows what life is. Just take a look at her Halloween costume.
“It’s always nice getting pictures from our son’s teacher showing how he’s excelling in school.”
“I really want to read this book, but I have a lollipop.”
It’s obvious.
Ingenuity be like:
“I don’t remember putting that on the shopping list…”
“Last night my daughter had a bad dream. Today she made puppets to guard her room while she sleeps.”
“The new kid at my school came in dressed as a banana today. The school lunch included a banana so naturally, everyone was donating their bananas to him.”
How to save your energy:
Don’t make things complicated.
A baby has found a solution.
How to get ice cream fast:
There are only 2 reasons…
“A coffee mug my little brother got for our mom yesterday”
“My little brother decided to do this once he finished all his nuggets.”
“My little sister killed a spider with hairspray, then felt bad about it after.”
“We always get each other ironic gifts. My little sister killed it this year.”
Don’t mess with clever kids and their toy car.
It reads, “DO NOT REMOVE. This is the property of unit 1. We pay rent for this car space and shall, therefore, use for whatever vehicle we want to.”
This little girl wrote a letter to her parents after she was sent to her room for bad behavior. Note how she crossed out ‘Love’, she’s REALLY sad.
It reads, “Dear mom and dad, don’t bother to give me dinner. I’m not that hungry.
Clever kids…he and Gavin will eat what?
It reads, “1) Go on Webkinz when I get up. 2) Wake Gavin up 10:00 3) Gavin and I will eat bread.”
Julian really, really cares.
It reads, “Their is a dead bird. It is so weird today. No one cares. You don’t care about anything. Who doesn’t care about anything? I do.”
He does have a point. Genius.
It reads, “If you were setting up an aquarium for your little brother or sister in an effort to interest him or her in sea life, would you choose barnacles or seahorses? Seahorses. Why would you make this choice? Seriously? You want me to choose between a seahorse, a very exotic beautiful sea animal, or a barnacle, a creature that just sits around and does nothing. You’ve got to be kidding me. What kind of an idiot would be like ‘Oh, let’s make a super fun aquarium and fill it with barnacles!’”
Ouch, he lost 7 points for that one.
It reads, “Use commands to tell your sister to do the following things. I don’t have a sister.”
Best. Letter. Ever! This kid is epic, a must read.
It reads, “Dear Mr. Ramon, Thank you for coming to our school and teaching us about weather. Some day when I become supreme Ultra-Lord of the Universe, I will make you a slave. You will live in my 200 story castle where unicorn servants will feed you doughnuts off their horns. I will personally make you a throne that is half platinum and half solid gold and jewel encrusted. Thank you again for teaching us about meteorology. You’re more awesome than a monkey wearing a tuxedo made out of bacon riding a cyborg unicorn with a lightsaber for the horn on the tip of a space shuttle closing in on Mars while engulfed in flames…And in case you didn’t know, that’s pretty dang sweet. Sincerely, Flint. P.S. Look on the back for drawing.”
On the back of the page, unicorns feeding donuts off their horns to Mr. Ramon sitting in his jewel-encrusted chair. I hope this kid decides to be a movie writer.
Math ruined his dreams.
It reads, “Please tell us about your future dream. I want to be a nurse. Nurse can study math. But I can’t study math. I don’t like math. So I can’t be a nurse. And I don’t have a dream now.”
It all starts with an innocent request from this little girl…
It reads, “Dear tooth fairy, I lost my tooth on 23 of Oct. Now it is Nov. 12. I lost my tooth in pizza. I lost both today. You owe me $1.00. Not to be hard but I need money.”

It reads, “Dear tooth fairy, I did not get my $1.00. I told you I lost my tooth in pizza. I hope you prepared that I am going to take it up with your mother. And I will have 0 penalty for whatever night you miss you owe me .25 more. Maybe I’ll take it up with your boss. I’ll tell him you’re goofing off. I love to talk to you in person over juice and tea. So when you write back give me your phone number and address talk over cookies. Annisa. Don’t correct my spelling.”
An 8-year-old girl wrote this letter to her dad after he told her that they were going to the beach only after the football game ends on TV.
It reads, “Never put nature aside for television. You burned my feelings today and I am warning you never to do what you did today again.”
That will teach him a lesson.
It reads, “When I was eight years old, my neighbours’s dog kept pooping on my yard so one day I pooped on his yard.”
Bob isn’t very nice!
It reads, “There once was a bear, who had purple hair, that’s rare, so bob attacked him.”
I think this kid knows more about Pluto than his teacher.
It reads, “My name is John Glidden. I am six years old and my favorite planet is Pluto and I disagree with you that Pluto is a Kuiper Belt Object. I think Pluto is a real planet and I took a poll of 11 people. The question was. What do you think Pluto is? A planet. A double planet. A Kuiper Belt Object. I think it is a double planet and everyone else thought it is a regular real planet that is very cold. I had a half day at school yesterday so my mom brought me to the Museum of Natural History and the Hayden Planetarium because I wanted to see you so I could tell you this in person. John Glidden.”
The funniest thing ever is the teacher’s remarks that begins with ‘Oh my goodness me!’
It reads, “I went to my friend Lucas house. My mom got drunk. Oh my goodness me! It’s important for mom to let her hair down once in a while!”
It did ask him to be creative. Bravo!
It reads, “Create a problem scenario that can be used to represent this data. Be creative! Every time a ninja dies, a kitten sheds a tear. Mr. fluffles (kitten) has enough liquid in his tear ducts for eight tears.”
Well, at least she’s OK in there.
It reads, “This is a big green guy that ate Rapunzel. That’s her, sitting in his tummy. But, I put three checks by her…because she’s doing OK in there.”
The Hulk is sick of the Kardashians.
Did he get all that from a wavy line and a circle? This kid is epic.
Chin up, things will get better kiddo.