We recommend enjoying these pictures slowly. Savor them like a fine wine. Cheers!
1. Contemplating life’s difficult questions.
2. “But daaaaad…”
3. Fun fact: wolves love watermelon (or at least this one does).
4. “Welcome home, your highness.”
5. Raccoon gets an appropriate cuddle buddy.
6. Say cheese!
7. The cutest mess ever.
8. “Only the fluffiest of mattresses will satisfy me.”
9. When you take your first philosophy class and realize the self is a construct.
10. “This finger is mine now.”
11. He’s trying, OK?
12. We would listen to this radio show every single day.
13. “You’ll pay for this, human.”
14. A great battle is waged!
15. “What? I already had a perfectly good bed.”
16. Drinks are on this guy!
17. The moment the vacuum comes out.
18. This is why we can have nice things.