Pets: They may love you (actually, they may not love you, too)…but they don’t love you the same way they love food.
Sometimes, things get a little weird. Your doggo may react weirdly when you toss them a bone. Your cat might lose their mind when they hear the can opener. Sometimes, it’s tough to know where the munchies begin and the pet ends.
1. Five purritos, coming right up.

I honestly don’t know how anyone could wrap these guys up without sustaining serious cuts and scratches, but the end result is clearly well worth it.
2. Dinner…is served *evil cackle*.

Usually pet costumes come off as pretty low-effort, but this is the best thing I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately there’s no video, so we can’t see how this one looks in action.
3. There’s a lot going on here.

I applaud not only the owner’s initiative in creating a picture-perfect AT-AT costume for their mutt, but also the mutt’s determination to eat dinner, costume or no costume.
4. Busted.

There’s nothing worse than being caught red-handed (yellow-muzzled?). The evidence of this kitty’s dalliance with the flower patch is all over his face. A darker cat would be able to hide it better.
5. I call this one “the starfish”.

Everyone needs to feel comfortable while they eat, and cats are no exception. This might look a little weird, but it ensures that no one else can get close to this kitty’s dinner.
6. What am I even looking at here?

Okay, okay, I’ll tell you (I had no idea at first): it’s a pet prairie dog, looking more dashing than I ever will, nomming down on the finest of cheese.
7. Lookin’ good.

Cats are usually pretty photogenic, but sometimes they’re just like us. This is pretty much me when I’ve got an awesome Halloween costume but look like an idiot when I’m trying to pose for a pic.
8. Like peanut butter and jelly.

Just like bacon and eggs, or meat and potatoes, or…some other food pairing that doesn’t quite come to mind…this dapper doggo and his human were made for each other.
9. When your reach exceeds your grasp.

Okay, this one’s not THAT weird. I mean, I totally get it. I’m the exact same way whenever I smell cinnamon rolls being baked. This is why I’m banned from Cinnabon for life.
That being said, this guy kinda looks like he’s blessing the blessed buns, no?
10. Mind your manners.

TFW you put out the candlesticks and good china, don your best tuxedo and gather your tuxedo cats, only to have them ruin your carefully-planned fancy feast.
11. I’ve never seen such an elegant trash panda.

I don’t know whether it’s the fancy composition, the decadent blueberries, or the dainty paws, but this pet raccoon is way classier than the ones that live in my backyard dumpster.
12. Lady and the Tramp, solo edition.

The spaghetti scene was cute and iconic and all that, but spaghetti < bacon. And when it’s time to chow down on bacon, I don’t want to share with anyone, romantic interest or not.
13. That’s not even food, bro.

It’s pointless to tell this pupper that frisbees do not equal food. Judging by the bite marks, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened.

“My dog ate my homework” is such a lame excuse that I’m not sure anyone has actually tried to pull it off…but look! Apparently it is possible.
15. Vulcan tail meld.

Some organisms bind to each other so they can share nutrients. I wasn’t aware that cats were one of those organisms, but it makes sense since there’s pretty much nothing they can’t do.
16. Things just got seriously meta.

Why does your dachshund have a hot dog leash?
It’s a wiener dog with a leash made of wieners. Took me a second there. Well done.