I have two cats and I’ve got to say that they are the weirdest individuals I have ever met. They’re so strange and annoying, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world…even when they’re knocking over pots or trying to climb into the toilet. Why people love cats so much will always be a mystery, but I guess they just have a way of sliding into our hearts (and oddly shaped jars).
1. I’ve always wondered how sleeping all curled up like a pretzel could be comfortable.

My arm falls asleep if I just leave it on the arm of the couch for too long.
2. At first I thought this was a panorama picture because this cat is ridiculously long.

I’m still not convinced that it isn’t, tbh. Like, where does all that body go when she is out and about, wandering the world?
3. I can almost hear this cat wheezing with his little piggy nose pushed up on the glass like that.

As long as he is comfortable, that’s all that matters, right?
4. Does this cat even have a spine?! Look at his neck!

I will never understand why a cat would go out of their way to put themselves in a position like this. Unreal.
5. His little arms are so stubby compared to the rest of his tubby body!

I love it! I feel like this cat has learned how to cheat the system. Classic.
6. Alright, are you ready to see a cat turning into jelly?

This is unreal! I’m trying to pinpoint the exact moment that he stops being a cat and starts being an alien.
7. I feel like I kind of get this, to a point.

Sometimes the best napping position is one you happen on by accident and realize that it should, in theory, be terrible.
8. It took me a few minutes to realize that there are two cats in this vase.

I bet the one who is squished was there first, and then the cat on top had to try and ruin the fun.
9. Where does this cat end or begin?? He is so vulnerable with his tummy out in the open air.

I bet that this kitten’s tummy is so soft. I wish I could pet it.
10. This cat reminds me of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

He looks like he only talks in riddles and probably walks backwards. Then again, he could just be a weirdo.
11. This cat has folded herself almost perfectly in half.

Like, I know in the cat world this isn’t that impressive, but I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around this one.
12. I aspire to be this level of relaxed at some point in my life.

This kitty doesn’t have a care in the world, just napping their troubles away in what is probably a wet sink.
13. This cat looks like he is showing someone how wrong they were to think that he could not fit into the tiny box.

That is one smug kitty if I’ve ever seen one.
14. Is this cat literally folding in half?

I don’t understand how this kitty looks so comfortable and ready for a nap. Maybe this is just an illusion and that is a really fluffy tail.
15. It is almost like this cat completely disappears!

How do they do that with their bodies?! I don’t understand. I hope this little kitty is ok after falling through his human’s lap.
16. Well, this is for sure the face of a cat who maybe made a huge mistake.

He is way too big for that yogurt box…then again, he is a cat and psychics don’t apply to them.