According to Reel SEO, there are two million cat videos on YouTube and of those cat videos, people have watched them 25 billion times.
Our feline friends aren’t just good companions, but they’re also great entertainers.
Case in point: just when you think you’ve witnessed it all, you see a cat stuck upside down in a construction pipe, with an expression that reads they could care less. It’s as if they’re saying, “I’m not sure what you expected. I’m just a cat.”
1. This Starbucks cup initially looked like a cozy place to lounge.

What looked like a nice bubble of happiness, was actually a cone of embarrassment. Who knew things could be this stressful when your only job is to lay around.
2. This is what happens when your human is a cosmetology student.

Let her love you, they said. It will be fun, they said. Well, all is fine until your human runs out of test subjects to practice contouring on.
3. Where there’s a wiggle, there’s a way!

Any cat owner knows that boxes are actually black holes waiting to suck up your cat. Even a tiny box will manage to some how swallow up your kitty.
4. I’m starting to see a theme here, and it’s that cats will literally try to fit in just about anything!

Every object must be tested for comfiness, even paper lamps because you just never know.
5. I’m not actually sure if this was a mistake or done totally on purpose.

This kitty got stuck in a vase, freaked out, and broke through its prison. What’s left is Cleocatra… Seems fitting since cats rule everything around me.
6. Is it just me or is the fence moving?

“Blend in. Just act casual, and no one will notice that you got stuck in the fence for the hundredth time this week.”
7. “Wait… What’s happening? I’m sliding off the…never mind, I’m lounging.”

Riding the vacuum was fun while it lasted, but now it’s back to the meaningful stuff like sleeping, eating, and squeezing into tight spaces.
8. It’s a little known fact, but cats have been waging a secret war against blinds for decades.

It’s a lesson every cat will learn at some point in their life: blinds are only in this world to ruin your existence.
9. “Oh hi, human. I saw that you were planning on wearing this blouse today so I decided to lounge in the sleeve.”

This cat will worry about getting out of the blouse sleeve later. Right now, they’re busy.
10. Next time you can’t find your cat, try checking in between the couch cushions.

Don’t you hate it when you lose things in the couch?! Remotes, cell phones, pocket change…cats.
11. Note to self: White cat + chalk = rainbow cat!

While I’m impressed with this cat’s ability to walk outdoors on a leash, what I’m most impressed with is the cat’s ability to stay on trend. Unicorn fur on fleek!
12. The shame! This cat can’t even look its owner in the eyes.

Slinkys are just as confusing as cups. If you can’t lounge in it or on it, then what purpose could it possibly serve?!
13. When you own a cat, essentially everything in your house is a booby trap.

A seemingly harmless bra strap could literally be your cat’s worst nightmare. The struggle is real.
14. Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land amongst the stars.

Yeah, that quote doesn’t really work for this scenario. This cat had high expectations, but ended up falling a little deeper than planned.
15. Here is the cutest slice of bread the world has ever seen.

So you want to bread your cat? Just follow these simple instructions. Step one: cut hole in bread. Step two: leave in cat accessible area.
16. Just a cat peacefully lounging upside down in a pipe.

Even when the firemen were cutting it free from the pipe, this cat still managed to look like it could care less.