Why strive for a love like John Legend and Chrissy Teigen’s when you can try and get yourself a significant other who looks at you the way a golden retriever looks at his duck?
These 16 unlikely animal friends prove you don’t need to be from the same species to be total relationship goals.
See for yourself!
1. This golden retriever and duck who like to snuggle:

This adorable duo prove fur and feathers can come together into something beautiful! Snouts and beaks aren’t all that different in comparison, don’tcha think?
2. This decked out dog and cat hitting the slopes together:

What better way to enjoy the winter season than on a mountain side with your BFF? These two are keeping each other warm! So much better than sitting at home alone in your Snuggie, eh?
3. This cat and rhino sharing a towel:

Any guesses as to who the big spoon and little spoon is in this pairing? So long as the ‘ceros doesn’t roll over in it sleep, all will be well with these two!
4. This puppy sharing milk with his calf buddy:

There won’t be any spills with these two working together to catch all that falls. Those are some good pals, if you ask me!
Kinda reminds me of my drinking buddies, but now’s not that time for that.
5. This horse and adorable doggo sharing an adorable kiss:

True love knows no bounds – not even a wire fence. Who else would totally watch an animated movie about the love story between these two?
6. This cat and lizard taking a nap together:

Get yourself a best friend whose warm, soft, and entirely fur-covered body can act as a giant pillow for you when you sleep. This is what it’s all about.
7. This cat and turkey hanging out on a window sill:

Is the turkey trying to find its way inside the house? Or is that cat trying to find a way out?Either way, these two have found a way to be together, which is more than I can say for a lot of 2018 relationships…
8. This picture perfect cat and horse who are totally posing:

You’d never know it, but this photo was actually taken by a llama. What’s their Instagram? IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING. #SelfieGoals #BFFs
Also, why can’t my BFF pics look this good?!
9. This dolphin and dog hanging out at sea:

Long distance relationships are tough. How do you work out a shared living arrangement when you’re an underwater creature and your partner is a land animal?
10. This bunny and butterfly going on a walk through the woods:

FACT: This is probably the only kinda friendship where two peeps actually stick to their walking schedule because I know for a fact it doesn’t happen between humans!
11. This goat trying to wake up his sleeping horse pal:

“The sun is awake, so I’m awake!” – that goat, probably. Behold the most accurate portrayal of morning people versus night owls ever. And yet, that goat got that horse’s back! Why can’t my friends do this for me?!
12. This cat and rat who shattered interspecies stereotypes by getting along:

Is this real life or an episode of the Itchy and Scratchy show on The Simpsons? Hard to tell but whatever because it’s adorable.
13. This cat and bird who can’t keep their eyes off each other:

Ummm…why doesn’t anyone, like ever, look at me like that? What do I gotta do? Fly around and flap my wings? FINE. Flapping.
14. This matching dog and guinea pig taking a rest:

Is it possible for creatures of two separate species to be twins? Science may be saying no, but these animals are kinda saying yes. Or maybe I’ve just been staring at them too long to tell anymore.
15. This bull dog with its arm around a hairless cat:

Even better, this adorable pair are sitting on a “Mr. & Mrs.” blanket. Congrats to the seemingly happy newlywed couple!
Now when is it my turn?!
16. This husky and zebra on an afternoon stroll through the park:

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never come across a zebra and dog chilling like it’s NBD. Let’s all be grateful this picture exists.