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15 great ideas for a corner just for men

If you’re a man and you have a garage or some other quiet place where you can make something with your own hands or just play video games, you’re already lucky. However, even a simple corner can be modified so amazingly you wouldn’t recognize it afterwards.


We at SmallJoys have gathered the coolest ways to make almost any man cave a place of real comfort.

Storing your fishing rods in an orderly fashion


This contraption will not only make your garage or storeroom look better, but it will also help the rods last longer.


And here’s another splendid way to store your gardening tools. To make it look like this, you’ll only need some cut plastic pipes and a couple of wooden planks.


Your pliers won’t take up much space and will always be at hand if you make such a hanging tool holder for them.


Drills and other hand tools can be put on a special shelf like this.


Yet another way to store your tools is to hang a pegboard (a perforated board made just for this purpose) with pegs.


The next step is not to let your phone battery run down

There are numerous ways to neatly store cords and wires, and you certainly know many of them. Still, we like this one: using old jeans pockets as convenient gadget cases.


Storing small parts

Nails, screws, and bolts can be conveniently stored like this.


Duct tape goes here


This board will cozily accommodate your tape measure, scissors, hammer, and many other things.

It’s really easy to make a dispenser for adhesive or duct tape.


A bike storage place

Here you can take a close look at this compact, stylish, and awesomely simple solution.


Hanging your jacket

And your backpack too! Such pegs are, first of all, very cool. The second thing here is that they’ll leave your guests wondering what kind of strength it took to bend the wrenches like that.


A hundred-in-one

As strange as it may sound, kitchen furniture is the best solution for any workshop. You’ll definitely have plenty of space for everything, and nothing will get lost!


A good rest after a day of hard work

No need to drag a huge table to your garage or especially to your office. You can make an inserted ice cache (for beer, of course) and enjoy the free space.


Why not go further and make your very own minibar? A narrow wall shelf with a trapdoor is a good option It’s obvious there’s plenty of space for everything you need.

Now you only have to place a comfortable armchair among all this magnificence…and try not to forget there are many other interesting things going on behind the walls.