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15 Brilliant Uses For Apples That You Never Knew

Apples are known as a delicious fruit, but they are so much more than that. They can be used in so many ways, and some of them just might surprise you. These juicy bites of goodness can be incorporated into stellar crafts like candle holders and facial masks.


Here are 15 uses for apples you’ve probably never even thought of.


1) Facial Mask


This DIY apple exfoliant will give your skin a healthy glow. Mix 1 unripe apple, 1/4 cup of plain low-fat yogurt, and 1 tablespoon of honey in a blender. Next, scoop out the mask and spread it onto your face. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, then rinse.

2) Centerpiece


This apple centerpiece will certainly liven up your home. You will need a tall glass vase wide enough to fit the apples in. Stack apples and flowers inside. It looks so cool!

3) Ripen Tomatoes


Apples can actually help to ripen tomatoes and other fruits. They naturally release ethylene, a gas that encourages ripening. Stick your tomatoes in a paper bag along with an apple. Remove the apple when your tomatoes are as ripe as you want them.

4) Potpourri


Let the fragrances of apples and cinnamon waft through your home. Cut an unpeeled apple into slices and spread them out on a lightly greased baking tray. Bake them for 30 minutes at 150 degrees. Next sprinkle cinnamon on top and let them cool for 15 minutes. Mix the ingredients together in a lidded glass jar. To utilize the potpourri, simply simmer it in water.

5) Dog Treats


Dogs can enjoy apples too. If nothing else, they make a great Kong substitute. Remove the core of an apple, and fill it with peanut butter and a couple dog treats. Your dog will have a blast trying to lick the peanut butter out of the apple’s center.

6) Apple Stamps


Use real apples to make stamps. This fun craft will give kids a deeper appreciation for food and the gifts of nature. Cut an apple in half, then stamp it into the paint. If your child is under 5 years old, use washable tempera paint; otherwise, use printmaking ink. Stamp the painted side of the apple on a piece of paper. You can make cute patterns or just keep it simple.

7) Apple Garland


Apples can make a great decoration when winter comes. This apple garland will make your home even cozier in the cold months. Cut out the core of the apple, then cut it into slices. Bake them and let them cool. Next, take a string and tie it across each apple. The garland will look SO adorable.

8) Reduce Wrinkles


The pectin found in apples can reduce inflammation and the appearance of wrinkles. Peel and core an apple, then grate it. Apply it directly to your skin, and leave it there for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Your skin will thank you.

9) Keep Baked Goods Moist


Don’t feel rushed to finish off that cake just because you are worried it will dry up. The moisture of an apple can help to preserve cakes and bakes goods longer. Stick a cut apple into an airtight container with the food, and leave it sealed until you are ready to enjoy it.

10) Sweeten Food

Apples are great for sweetening smoothies and juices. Add an apple to your meal instead of opening a packet of sugar. The pectin found in apples helps to regulate blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels, so adding an apple to your meal will lessen the effects of unhealthy eating.


11) Make Recipes Healthier


Applesauce makes a great healthier substitute in baked goods. Remove an egg from the recipe by replacing it with 1/4 cup of applesauce. You can mix it with 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder to make it even lighter. You can also replace oil in baking recipes by using a 1:1 ratio. So, if the recipe calls for 1/2 cup of oil, you can use 1/2 cup of applesauce.

12) DIY Candles


Remove the core from an apple then carve out a bit of the center. Once it is all cleaned up, place a votive candle inside. The apple will create a unique ambiance.

13) Card Holders


If you are having guests over, you can use apples as adorable placeholders. Cut cardstock paper in the shape of leaves, write down the name of each guest, and stick the pieces of paper into the apples. Your guests can even enjoy the apples at the end of the evening.

14) Work Out


Use an apple to kick your fitness game up a notch. Squeeze an apple between your thighs while you do crunches. This will work your hip flexors and adductors in addition to your abs.

15) Clean Your Teeth


Water-rich fruits and vegetables such as apples, celery, and carrots do not stick to teeth. In fact, they clean them by removing particles that are stuck between the teeth. Eating apples often just might make your pearly whites a little brighter.